try growing the curious Drosera binata
I have been growing Australian carnivorous plants indoors for years, I find them fascinating with their reddish hairy leaves arranged in complex arrays designed to entice insects to land. So when I installed my pond last year I thought I would try emulating their native habitat and plant some around the edges of the water…
The perfect concealer: Aphanopetalum resinosum
Aphanopetalum resinosum is the answer to many difficult positions in the garden, from dark shady dry corners of the garden to ugly fences or buildings which need to be greened up, Gum Vine may be the solution. This robust native vine has bright green shiny leaves and reddish stems and when it is in flower…
Merry NSW Christmas Bush: Ceratopetalum gummiferum
I am a bit of a Grinch when it comes to Christmas and often one of the things which pulls me our of my un-festive slump is our Ceratopetalum gummiferum or native Christmas Bush. This year I was a little late, as many have finished thier show by the time Christmas actually arrives. However, I…
White or Pink? How do you like your Blueberry Ash? or covered in blue berries
Elaeocarpus reticulatus is one of the Spring flowering native tree species which really knocks itself out during its flowering season. It consistently covers itself in the little white fairy skirt like flowers to the point that it gives the whole tree a light hue. The other time of year this species looks incredible is when…
don’t be confused by Grevillea buxifolia
This is probably Grevillea buxifolia subsp. buxifolia which is not to be confused with Grevillea sphacelata, in the Grevillea bibles by Peter Olde and Neil Marriott sphacelata a “Related or confusing species”. This couldn’t be more apt, I spent some time going down a plant nerd rabbit hole on this. These photos were taken in…
vulnerable Epacris purpurascens
For me this species signifies everything incredible about our local sandstone sclerophyll forest. The extraordinary stems of Epacris purpurascens cover themselves in tiny pinky white flowers and reach for the sun. There is something about them which is delicate but also symbolises endurance, they are a pretty wildflower in our bushland environment which can be…
Shade-loving Ornamental Grass: Libertia paniculata
I use this handy little native grass alot in my designs. It looks wonderful mass planted in a shady position and when it begins to flower in Winter it brings a welcome highlight to a dark corner. The flowers last several months and can carry on into Spring. It does prefer part shade and can…
The glossy leafed Eupomatia laurina
This ancient flowering plant has a fossil record of 120 million years, it’s primitive flowers are a legacy from Gondwana. Isn’t that mind blowing!? The perfumed, glossy screen tree with edible fruits is the perfect addition to a bush food garden. My Mum has a Eupomatia laurina in her garden that is flowering at the…
Pittosporum revolutum and its eye catching fruit
This is Pittosporum revolutum, a medium shrub with jasmine-scented blossoms which flowers profusley in Spring and then is covered in decorative fruit in Autumn. When flowering the scent permeates the whole garden and is often commented on by visitors. In the bush it grows as an understory plant and often gets quite leggy, but pruning…
Lucious, Shade-loving: Trochocarpa laurina
Note: The photos on this post were originally misidentified as Decaspermum humile. Thanks to @nightjarnatives who corrected the id on instagram! Trochocarpa laurina or ‘Tree Heath’ is a large shrub to small tree which loves the shade. I have recently spotted it growing under large Eucalyptus in full shade, it also enjoys dappled light. It…
A tough and useful Bushfood: Lomandra longifolia
Lomandra longifolia, or Common Mat Rush, is abundant along the NSW coast growing and in SA, Victoria and Tasmania in a range of environments from coastal dunes to dry Sclerophyll forest. It can also be seen growing in median strips and petrol station garden beds 😉 Little do most people know it is also a tasty…
How to Regenerate Bushland in your Backyard
Does your garden look a little like the one in the image above? It has so much potential but you don’t know where to start? Regenerating your own patch of bushland is exciting and rewarding. You get to see first-hand the return of native birds, bees and other wildlife that follow when native vegetation re-establishes…
Help! What’s wrong with my Plants?
By Kath Gadd and Hannah Preston Well it would seem La Niña is here with a vengence along the NSW and QLD east coast, resulting in way too much rain and very uncomfortable humidity. It has been a tough summer for many plants. Not only have the weeds enjoyed an extreme growth spurt but the…
Wildflowers of the Illawarra
This wildflower season I have stayed local due to travel restrictions, which has meant I have walked the Illawarra escarpment a lot more than I normally would. Usually in the winter wildflower season we would travel to the Blue mountains or further west or even north for outdoor adventuring and bush exploring. So it has…
The little purple pea that could: Indigofera australis
This is a common medium sized shrub that really can do anything…..it can fill a dark boring corner, it can flower profusely, it can provide lots pf nectar rich flowers for bees and butterflies, it can grow extremely quickly and it can look amazing! Indigofera australis or Native Indigo is a common 2 metre shrub…
Growing Natives Indoors
I love indoor plants, which are known to improve our sense of wellbeing, the quality of the air inside, and give us a connection to nature. Most of us aren’t aware of the array of Australian natives that could be used indoors and replace the bucketloads of exotics commonly marketed at nurseries. Inside, plants generally…
Portfolio: Jamberoo Consults
I have been visiting this rural property on and off for the last 3 years, each time providing the client with onsite sketch designs for different areas of the expansive garden. Working on this garden has been an absolute pleasure and I look forward to each new stage. The client has a knack for collecting…
Screening with Hardenbergia violacea
This climber always surprises me every year with how aptly it lives up to its common name of Happy Wanderer. The little pea flower spikes really do have tiny smiling faces with bright green eyes. Hardenbergia violacea is a local native climber or scrambler to most of the east coast of Australia, growing naturally on…
Camera Trap Basics for Bird-Spotters
Recently, we’ve been using camera traps to capture videos of birds using our birdbaths. One of my favourites is the video of these wonderful silvereyes flocking around a dish in some coastal habitat below! Silvereyes migrate in large groups, feed and drink together and that’s why you can see so many together. In this post…
Luscious green screen: Myoporum acuminatum
Some native plants are just so useful and practical I really don’t understand why we don’t see them being utilised everywhere…. and Myoporum acuminatum is one of them. It is a mystery to me why this very fast growing , dense small tree or large shrub is not used more often in our residential streetscape…
An under-utilised native tree: Glochidion ferdinandi
This is the ever adaptable Cheese tree Glochidion ferdinandi, I would love to see these used more widely in our streetscape as street trees but also as shade trees in gardens or parks. They have the same glossy luscious look as a Lilly Pilly or Waterhousia but with the added benefit of being semi-deciduous in…