Category: Coastal

  • Rambling bank covering Grevillea banksii prostrate

    Rambling bank covering Grevillea banksii prostrate

    There are many, many Grevillea ground covers, and most of them cover a large area and have either a toothbrush or spider flower. Not this one! this is Grevillea banksii prostrate and it not only has a large showy flower spike it also has the large leaves associated with the northern sub tropical Grevilleas and it…

  • The resurgence of the Bottlebrush: Callistemon pachyphyllus Green

    The resurgence of the Bottlebrush: Callistemon pachyphyllus Green

    I feel like there needs to be a a resurgence in the planting of Callistemon species in home gardens, they have been given a bad name through thoughtless street planting and gardeners overlooking their pruning needs. There are a handful of Callistemons that I think are worthy of pride of place in a native garden,…

  • Spectacular: Eucalyptus erythrocorys

    Spectacular: Eucalyptus erythrocorys

    I almost feel like writing no text necessary next to these images of Eucalyptus erythrocorys, this truly has to be one of the most wonderful eucalyptus flowers in the Australia! those colours, can it get any better? This specimen is growing on a north facing mound in my mum’s garden in Wollongong, it was a little bit…

  • Sweet: Grevillea ‘Blood Orange’

    Sweet: Grevillea ‘Blood Orange’

    I am generally not a massive fan of the large flowering Grevilleas, mainly because they encourage the wrong birds, well not the wrong birds but birds who already have a plentiful source of food. However when someone asks for a native plant that flowers year round, they are generally the first thing that springs to…

  • The happiest Daisy: Pycnosorus globosus

    The happiest Daisy: Pycnosorus globosus

    Billy Buttons is a native daisy with an immense power to make anyone smile, there is something about its large bright yellow ball flowers standing to attention in a showy clump that is irresistable. To top it off it has lovely furry silver grass like leaves and flowers from early spring into late Summer. Billy…

  • Portfolio: Bundeena Garden Design Revisit

    Portfolio: Bundeena Garden Design Revisit

    I visited one of my favourite gardens today and it did not disappoint, I haven’t seen this coastal Bundeena garden for 18 months and many of the trees and shrubs have really filled out in that time. I feel so lucky to be able to keep track of this gardens progress and check in when…

  • Portfolio: Kogarah Garden Design

    Portfolio: Kogarah Garden Design

    This garden was planted just over 12 months ago and has thrived in a very tough dry year, establishing quickly under harsh conditions. The soil in Kogarah is sand, dry and depleted, two metres under the sand is the saline water table, challenging to say the least. Add to the mix coastal winds and loads…

  • Another top Paperbark: Melaleuca viridiflora ‘Burgundy Weeper’

    Another top Paperbark: Melaleuca viridiflora ‘Burgundy Weeper’

    This October has been  paperbark appreciation month for me, I love melaleucas as they will grow so easily in difficult heavy soils and their flowers are rich in nectar for birds and bees alike. Melaleuca viridiflora ‘Burgundy Weeper’ is no exception, it covers itself in deep reddish purple flowers attracting honey eaters and bees. Melaleuca viridiflora…

  • Some plants are just plain tough: Melaleuca ‘Ulladulla Beacon’

    Some plants are just plain tough: Melaleuca ‘Ulladulla Beacon’

    I seem to be on a bit of a Melaleuca tangent of late so I am just going to go with it, Melaleucas are tough and perform beautifully under a range of conditions especially in a heavier clay soil, this is one of the many reasons I love Melaleuca hypericifolia ‘Ulladulla Beacon’. Melaleuca ‘Ulladulla Beacon’ is…

  • The aptly named Grey Honey Myrtle: Melaleuca incana

    The aptly named Grey Honey Myrtle: Melaleuca incana

    I took so many photos of this Melaleuca incana in full bloom a few weeks ago but I didn’t manage to capture the multitude of bees feasting on its nectar 🙁 The whole shrub was buzzing as they collected the nectar for their hives, I’m pretty sure it was going towards making some delicious honey myrtle…

  • Purple Shades: Anigozanthos ‘Landscape Violet’

    Purple Shades: Anigozanthos ‘Landscape Violet’

    The subtle purple shades in Anigozanthos ‘Landscape Violet’ are quite striking when on mass, the flowers on purple stems open to reveal bright orange and yellows on the inside adding even more contrast. Anigozanthos ‘Landscape Violet’ is part of Angus Stewart’s tall and tough series of Kangaroo paws, he has bred up some great colours in…

  • Quick Screen & Habitat: Hakea salicifolia

    Quick Screen & Habitat: Hakea salicifolia

    This is the Willow Leafed Hakea or Hakea salicifolia, friend to Hakea sericea, the reason I think they are friends is that they have a lot in common, plus they were growing so happily together when I took these photos 😉 as you can see in the image below. Hakea salicifolia is a fast growing…

  • Happy Yellows: Senna artemisioides

    Happy Yellows: Senna artemisioides

    I love the colour combination of grey and yellow especially when its in the garden and is on a lone flowering plant! Senna artemisioides grows on well-drained sandy soils in a variety of habitats, through out many states located inland  Australia. Senna artemisioides grows to between 1 and 3 metres tall and can get to…

  • Tugarah Gunya’marri: Cold and Windy

    Tugarah Gunya’marri: Cold and Windy

    During the Tugarah Gunya’marri the days are getting noticeably longer, but the weather is still cold. Then with the blooming of the Marrai’uo (Acacia floribunda) comes the cold, southwesterly winds; the children become cranky and the adults become bad-tempered. It is not a good time of year for anyone. Frances Bodkin ‘D’harawal: Climate and Natural…

  • Outstanding: Grevillea arenaria

    Outstanding: Grevillea arenaria

    This is an outstanding plant for attracting birds, providing nesting habitat, shelter and nectar for honeyeaters and insectivorous birds. George Adams ‘Birdscaping Australian Gardens’ Thanks George I couldn’t have said it any better! I love my copy of the above book and use it all the time, I also love Grevillea arenaria or the Nepaean…

  • Sooooo many Emu Bush: Eremophila maculata

    Sooooo many Emu Bush: Eremophila maculata

    There are soooo many Eremophilas and I only know of and use a handful, I would like to rectify this situation, I am going to set myself a challenge to be able to recognise and utilise at least a dozen Eremophila species in the next 12 months. These images are of Eremophila maculata ssp. maculata, which…

  • My Favourite Native Hibiscus

    My Favourite Native Hibiscus

    Many people are not aware of the range of native hibiscus species that grow here in Australia, they are often not seen in cultivation or mistaken for exotics. I have a few favourites that I like to incorporate in my gardens and at the moment these are my top three, however everything is subject to…

  • Portfolio: Bondi Consult

    Portfolio: Bondi Consult

    This garden was a simple consult and then a couple of weekends of intensive clearing out by the client, then I came in for the fun part 🙂 Two large Frangipani trees shade the west facing front garden in Summer but let the well needed sun through in winter, it is practically illegal to remove…

  • Grass Trees of Fremantle

    Grass Trees of Fremantle

    I have just come back from Western Australia and have maaaany photos to share, as I am a little overwhelmed by the volume of my images and don’t really know where to start I thought I would start at the beginning of the trip….the first thing (plants) that blew me away. Grass Trees.   In the…

  • Enjoying Pig Face: Carpobrotus glaucescens

    Enjoying Pig Face: Carpobrotus glaucescens

    Carpobrotus or ‘Pig Face’ is one of my favourite bush foods to eat, it tastes like an over-ripe Kiwi fruit with a salty edge,  delicious! This morning as we were rambling through our local sand dune and beach my son found a pig face fruit and what do you know I had my camera handy…

  • The colour combinations of Grevillea ‘Amber Blaze’

    The colour combinations of Grevillea ‘Amber Blaze’

    I am not a massive fan of the larger flower spike type of Grevilleas species, I often associate them with attracting noisy miners and rainbow lorikeets, not desirable native birds for me. However, this Winter I have had two Grevillea ‘Amber Blaze’ specimens take my breath away.   The photos in this blog post are…

  • Showy Winter Flowers: Grevillea ‘Winter Delight’

    Showy Winter Flowers: Grevillea ‘Winter Delight’

    I have been noticing in the past few weeks the large numbers of Grevilleas that seem to be flowering profusely all through Autumn and welcoming Winter with a colourful wave. This particular Grevillea ‘Winter Delight’ began budding up in late Summer and I have been anticipating the show for weeks.   These photos have been…

  • Portfolio: Bulli Garden Design

    Portfolio: Bulli Garden Design

    This garden is located in the costal northern Wollongong suburb of Wollongong, on a low ridge and midway down a slope. When I saw the garden for the first time it was directly after the new house had been built, lawn, new soil and mulch had been installed already. The garden was planted out on…

  • The Versatile Spider Lily: Crinum pedunculatum

    The Versatile Spider Lily: Crinum pedunculatum

    I have only just realised how very adaptable this plant is after seeing it growing on the beach in Murramarang National Park last week, I had no idea it would grow on sand in a front line coastal position and look so beautiful. In the image below you can see how symmetrical the clumps of the…