Author: Kath Gadd

  • Horizontal Contrast: Homoranthus flavescens

    Horizontal Contrast: Homoranthus flavescens

    Homoranthus flavescens is a striking plant, the foliage appears succulent and conifer like and the branches grow almost horizontally and appear to layer on top of each other, plus it has a beautiful grey green leaf, making it a wonderful feature shrub in a planting.

  • Wonderful Street Trees: Backhousia citriodora

    Wonderful Street Trees: Backhousia citriodora

    I was driving through Huntershill and onto Ryde yesterday and I was overjoyed to see the most wonderful sight, rows upon rows of Lemon Myrtle in full bloom, planted out in the streets. Finally! a council using its head when it comes to street trees! I know it is not the only one, I have…

  • More Native Christmas Trees

    More Native Christmas Trees

    Whilst I am feeling slightly Christmassy I thought I’d sing the praise of one of our most recognisable native plants, the NSW Christmas Bush Horah! don’t they look amazing at the moment? something in  the strange spring we had must be setting them off. I love these trees whether they are in their white spring…

  • Native Christmas Tree

    Native Christmas Tree

    So I can be a bit of a grinch when it comes to Christmas, it makes it hard when your kids are feeling the christmas cheer and really, really want to be festive. Nothing wrong with being festive its just all the rubbish that seems to go along with it, the rubbish you have to…

  • Portfolio: Consult Figtree

    Portfolio: Consult Figtree

    I have been busy this week planting out a consult design in Wollongong, it has been very satisfying cleaning up an aged garden, digging up weeds and tree roots and planting fresh natives. The bones of the garden were already there, pathways, existing large trees and a brand new renovation and deck, what was needed…

  • Bush Tucker Under-Dog: Dianella caerulea

    Bush Tucker Under-Dog: Dianella caerulea

    This season is the first time I have had a decent flush of fruit on my Dianella caerulea and I have been pleasantly surprised by the taste, although it doesn’t hit the same spot as the midyim berry, it is actually tasty enough for me to pick and munch on whilst in the garden.

  • How to Plant a Grass Tree

    How to Plant a Grass Tree

    The grass tree is a very symbolic plant to have in a native garden. They can be a specimen plant, a feature plant or work well with a minimalist Japanese theme, and they look amazing in containers. Planting one can be a little daunting as there are many stories out there of them turning up…

  • A little research….

    A little research….

    A little research can go a long way. Take some time to think about what you are putting in the ground, I love this photo, I took it several years ago and for me it tells a story. Someone thought it might be a good idea to match their planting with their paint work (nothing…

  • Casuarina Groundcovers: Casuarina glauca prostrate

    Casuarina Groundcovers: Casuarina glauca prostrate

    I adore Casuarinas, in all shapes and forms, so I’m pretty happy with the number of ground cover Casuarinas that are around at the moment. They are tough, quick growing and have a lovely weeping soft look about them, they also can grow to form interesting shapes and textures in the garden. By the way…

  • Polarising plants: Ozothamnus diosmifolius

    Polarising plants: Ozothamnus diosmifolius

    I love plants that have the capacity to completely divide people, where they are either loved or hated. I think Ozothamnus diosmifolius is one such plant, I have only been recently converted and I must say it is partly by the discovery of all the new colours out there, pinks, oranges and the most amazing…

  • Red and White: Angophora hispida

    Red and White: Angophora hispida

    Reds and whites are out at the moment on two native trees, this photo is of the dwarf Angophora, Angophora hispida. This is a beautiful small tree that buds up in furry red clusters for a month before the cream flowers come out, I love the rusty reds this tree produces and even better when…

  • Portfolio: Memorial Garden

    Portfolio: Memorial Garden

    This is a garden that was a quick consultation a month back for a Pre-school in Sydney. It is a memorial garden for a well loved teacher that passed away, and it was such a pleasure to be involved in this gardens becoming. 

  • Shady Lilly Pilly: Syzygium wilsonii

    Shady Lilly Pilly: Syzygium wilsonii

    There are so many Lilly Pillys around, different cultivars, that apparently grow faster, thicker, thinner, redder and so on, they are used for hedging everywhere (which is great, far better than Murraya) and can be a little over done. This one is Syzygium wilsonii and it is amazing for a few reasons, firstly it has…

  • Plum Bush Tucker: Davidsonia pruiens

    Plum Bush Tucker: Davidsonia pruiens

    This is the Davidsons Plum (Davidsonia pruiens) sending out its flower spikes, getting ready to cover itself in juicy, tart plums YUM. I saw this one in a clients rainforest garden and it was very striking, each of those like pinky and yellow flowers will turn into one of the most famous bushtucker fruits.  However…

  • CAD and a clean slate

    CAD and a clean slate

    This is a very large garden that is an ongoing project at the moment, yesterday was the first plant out day. I would say about 85% of the plants went in yesterday and today, Phew! it was a beautiful day for it too. The main site is on a large slope with a winding pathway…

  • Try growing Actinotus helianthi, its not so hard…

    Try growing Actinotus helianthi, its not so hard…

    Yes, it was only a matter of time before I finally sung the praise of Flannel Flowers, how could I resist? I have so many photos of them in my database, however mainly of them in the bush, these were in a domestic garden in southern sydney, growing happily under some large Grevilleas. These are…

  • Amazing nature strip garden with real street address!

    Amazing nature strip garden with real street address!

    Last week I went to a garden consult and this is what I encountered across the road from my destination, as I rounded the corner I nearly had an accident checking out these spectacular Xanthorrhoea! They have been planted all around this property and as it is on a corner block make a great impact,…

  • Easy to grow WA species: Melaleuca incana

    Easy to grow WA species: Melaleuca incana

    I would so love to have a garden in Western Australia, all the interesting natives I could grow Eucalyptus macrocarpa, Banksia coccinea, Macropedia fulignosa….ahhh but we always want what we can’t have…. So I continue to trail things in my heavy clay, coastal garden with our east coast humid summer and some WA species will grow…

  • Delicate Tea Trees: Leptospermum ‘Cardwell’

    Delicate Tea Trees: Leptospermum ‘Cardwell’

    I love tea trees or Leptospermums, I’m not sure what it is about them that appeals to me so much. Perhaps their soft weeping foliage or the way they can get absolutely covered in flowers so much so that you can hardly see their leaves from a distance. And the flowers are showy, individually they…

  • Australian Plant Society Open Gardens: Collins Garden Gymea

    Australian Plant Society Open Gardens: Collins Garden Gymea

    This garden was at the end of my garden visiting trail, the kids were getting grotty and I was beginning to think we should just head home. However persevering paid off, as soon as my son and I entered the garden we were welcomed by a small person announcing “Come in and see my granny’s…

  • Australian Plants Society Open Gardens: Hogue Garden Jannali

    Australian Plants Society Open Gardens: Hogue Garden Jannali

    This was such a diverse garden, diverse in style with lots of different areas and plantings. When I saw the garden it was full of sun, enabling the owner to grow almost anything! The different areas were almost like little “rooms” and I can imagine moving about the garden during a day letting the sun…

  • Australian Plants Society Open Gardens: Aitkin Garden Bonnet Bay

    Australian Plants Society Open Gardens: Aitkin Garden Bonnet Bay

    So over the weekend some of the members of the Australian Plant Society Sutherland Group opened their gardens to the general public, for me this is like a dream come true, theres nothing I like more than having a sticky beak in someon-elses garden especially if it is a native garden! Unfortunately I could only…

  • Portfolio: Glebe Native Garden Blitz!

    Portfolio: Glebe Native Garden Blitz!

    OK blitz is not a word I would usually associate with my gardens, and its a rather over commercialised word, however it does portray something of the” makeover” aspect that a new garden can be.This is how I feel when I look at these before and after photos from a garden installed last Friday, total…

  • Spring Yellow: Conostylis candicans

    Spring Yellow: Conostylis candicans

    What better colour to welcome spring with than yellow! Goodbye winter! However it is feeling a little bit like we have headed straight into summer here on the NSW east coast, which I find a little bit frightening, it is looking like a confusing time for plants at the moment, anyway thats another topic altogether… This…