Tag: white flower

  • Small Habitat Tree: Corymbia eximia nana

    Small Habitat Tree: Corymbia eximia nana

    If you are looking for a small feature gum tree in your garden which will offer both a food source and habitat for native fauna, look no further. Corymbia eximia ‘Nana’ is a striking, dwarf form of the Yellow Bloodwood. The gnarly mottled wood and crooked trunk of the dwarf version of Corymbia exima or…

  • vulnerable Epacris purpurascens

    vulnerable Epacris purpurascens

    For me this species signifies everything incredible about our local sandstone sclerophyll forest. The extraordinary stems of Epacris purpurascens cover themselves in tiny pinky white flowers and reach for the sun. There is something about them which is delicate but also symbolises endurance, they are a pretty wildflower in our bushland environment which can be…

  • Tough as nails: Actinotus helianthi

    Tough as nails: Actinotus helianthi

    I’ve learnt my lesson, plant them and leave them alone! I planted 5 potted Actinotus helianthi last year in my garden, 1 remains, the others were over loved and over watered I think, or there may have been some trampling going on courtesy of kids playing on the swing. Actinotus helianthi are wildflowers, it can…

  • Dwarf Eucalyptus for small gardens: Eucalyptus citriodora DWARF

    Dwarf Eucalyptus for small gardens: Eucalyptus citriodora DWARF

    The lemon scented gum is one of my favourite fragrances, that pungent citronella smell released after the rain or at dusk on a summer evening makes me feel all sentimental about our incredible flora.Unfortunately Eucalyptus or Corymbia citriodora doesn’t mix so well with the urban landscape, firstly they get tall, very tall and secondly as…

  • Pimelea nivea: A shrub of contrasts

    Pimelea nivea: A shrub of contrasts

    Pimeleas are wonderful species, they grow quickly and flower often, for long periods of time. However this particular Pimelea is my favourite of all time, forever. This is Pimelea nivea and hails from my home state of Tasmania, I have seen it growing on rocky headlands and gravely Eucalyptus under storey and it is a very…

  • Shade-loving Ornamental Grass: Libertia paniculata

    Shade-loving Ornamental Grass: Libertia paniculata

    I use this handy little native grass alot in my designs. It looks wonderful mass planted in a shady position and when it begins to flower in Winter it brings a welcome highlight to a dark corner. The flowers last several months and can carry on into Spring. It does prefer part shade and can…

  • Two top Thomasias: Thomasia macrocarpa and Thomasia solanacea

    Two top Thomasias: Thomasia macrocarpa and Thomasia solanacea

    Thomasia is a native shrub species which can be found largely in the south of Western Australia, like many of the species located in that area of Australia it is quite adaptable. For some reason all of this genus is endowed with showy, textured foliage like few other native species, making them a wonderful edition…

  • Leptospermum ‘Cardwell’: the most floriferous of them all

    Leptospermum ‘Cardwell’: the most floriferous of them all

    Leptospermum ‘Cardwell’ becomes fully veiled in white flowers from late winter through to spring and early summer, it appears to be covered in white fluffy snow and is quite the show stopper. The weeping habit is a favourite of mine and it will happily grow in tropical, subtropical, and in cooler temperate climates. An elegant…

  • The glossy leafed Eupomatia laurina

    The glossy leafed Eupomatia laurina

    This ancient flowering plant has a fossil record of 120 million years, it’s primitive flowers are a legacy from Gondwana. Isn’t that mind blowing!? The perfumed, glossy screen tree with edible fruits is the perfect addition to a bush food garden. My Mum has a Eupomatia laurina in her garden that is flowering at the…

  • The elegant branches of Leptospermum brachyandrum ‘Silver’

    The elegant branches of Leptospermum brachyandrum ‘Silver’

    I have written about this favourite tea tree of mine before, however I think it deserves another post which is more dedicated to its elegant branches and decorative bark. I took these photos of Leptopsermum brachyandrum ‘Silver’ at Kuranga native nursery last year, where they have used the species extensively around their pond and throughout…

  • Try hedging with something a bit different: Lomatia myricoides

    Try hedging with something a bit different: Lomatia myricoides

    I have already written about this large native shrub Lomatia myricoides or River or Long-leaf Lomatia, please see the link below. This post is not so much about this Lomatia as a specimen plant but about its potential as a fabulous tall screening shrub. I have found Lomatia myricoides to be extremely versatile in the…

  • The constantly evolving beauty of Ozothamnus diosmifolius

    The constantly evolving beauty of Ozothamnus diosmifolius

    This small to medium native shrub is a hard one to capture both in an image and in words, I have been documenting these three specimens in my garden since they were planted a couple of years ago. It never seemed the right time to photograph them as the flowers are always changing colour and…

  • A true carpeting ground cover: Pratia pedunculata

    A true carpeting ground cover: Pratia pedunculata

    This is a native ground cover which sometimes gets classed as a steppable (not a real word ;)), meaning it works well between steppers and pavers and can be walked on occasionally without too much fuss. I like to use it mixed with other low growing ground covers like Dichondra and native violet to get…

  • White or Pink? How do you like your Blueberry Ash?

    White or Pink? How do you like your Blueberry Ash?

    Elaeocarpus reticulatus is one of the Spring flowering native tree species which really knocks itself out during its flowering season. It consistently covers itself in the little white fairy skirt like flowers to the point that it gives the whole tree a light hue. There are two flower colours in the Blueberry Ash and as…

  • World Bee Day: Plant Three for the Bees!

    World Bee Day: Plant Three for the Bees!

    Today is World Bee Day and the slogan of ‘Plant Three for the Bees’ is like a call to action! Anyone with an outdoor space can plant three bee friendly plants, even if they are in pots or containers. Calling all gardeners, please think of our important pollinators when selecting plants for your outdoor space.…

  • Finger Limes loving the shade – Citrus australasica

    Finger Limes loving the shade – Citrus australasica

    My friend has the magic touch when it comes to growing all things edible and so of course her fingers limes are abundant in the Autumn 🤩. She has two varieties one is Citrus australasica ‘Rainforest Pearl’, a grafted form. Which in my humble opinion is the sweetest and juiciest of them all and the…

  • A flower within a flower within a flower … Hoya australis

    A flower within a flower within a flower … Hoya australis

    I find this one of the most curious flowers from our native vine species, it is a large highly perfumed umbel of tiny wax like flowers which is almost fractal like, I could look at it for hours. The leaves are thick and fleshy and a little like a succulent leaf and the vines stem…

  • The very versatile Lomatia myricoides

    The very versatile Lomatia myricoides

    I have been wanting to tell you all about the River Lomatia for some time but have been waiting to find some fully grown shrubs to photograph and I finally found them on my recent Summer trip to  Mount Kosciuszko. And here it is! Lomatia myricoides is a large shrub which grows naturally on a…

  • Bee Friendly Gardening

    Bee Friendly Gardening

    Bees play an important role in our ecosystem and we rely heavily on them to pollinate our food crops and our native bushland, not to mention supply us with delicious honey. There are over 1,500 native bee species in Australia with a whole host of interesting shapes and forms. Bees feed on nectar nestled within…

  • Small Scented Shade Tree: Leptospermum petersonii

    Small Scented Shade Tree: Leptospermum petersonii

    I finally found a mature Lemon Scented Tea Tree to photograph which shows off its stunning weeping habit and shapely trunk and branches. Leptospermum petersonii really does make a wonderful small feature shade tree in the garden, the strong thick branches spread the canopy wide making it an excellent climbing tree! The soft, pendulous branches…

  • Something a little different: Stenanthemum scortechinii

    Something a little different: Stenanthemum scortechinii

    This little low growing native shrub has many common names Cotton Bush, Snow Balls, Corroboree, salt and pepper to name a few …. it is also known as Stenanthemum scortechinii or Cryptandra scortechinii or even Spyridium whatever the name it is a native plant which has a lot to offer. Stenanthemum scortechinii covers itself in…

  • Dainty and Delightful Fringe Myrtle: Micromyrtus ciliata

    Dainty and Delightful Fringe Myrtle: Micromyrtus ciliata

    This sweet little native shrub is in full bloom at the moment, it started in late Winter and can continue until Summer in some cases. Micromyrtus ciliata is one of those species which gets so covered in flowers that you can barely see the leaves! The shrub only reaches half a metre high by upto…

  • Emu Bush No. 9: Eremophila bignoniiflora x polyclada

    Emu Bush No. 9: Eremophila bignoniiflora x polyclada

    Three years ago I set myself a challenge to learn 12 Eremophila species in 12 months, it hasn’t been going very well …..yet again I have failed to meet my own deadline 🤣 However, my desire to learn more about the wonderful Eremophila genus has not diminished and I am slowly plodding along. You can…

  • Luscious green screen: Myoporum acuminatum

    Luscious green screen: Myoporum acuminatum

    Some native plants are just so useful and practical I really don’t understand why we don’t see them being utilised everywhere…. and Myoporum acuminatum is one of them. It is a mystery to me why this very fast growing , dense small tree or large shrub is not used more often in our residential streetscape…