Tag: grey green leaves

  • Lovely shrub of many names: Veronica perfoliata

    Lovely shrub of many names: Veronica perfoliata

    This is to my knowledge currently Veronica perfoliata, it has gone through several differing identities and name changes, I won’t go into all of that, it just seems a shame as I think it may have detracted people from knowing about this useful plant. Firstly I love it because it has a very Eucalypt like foliage…

  • Powerful medicinal tree: Pittosporum angustifolium

    Powerful medicinal tree: Pittosporum angustifolium

    This is a small native Medicine plant affectionately known as Gumbi Gumbi, it actually has many names as it has many uses. It is also known as Western Pittosporum, Berrigan, Bitter Bush, Cattle Bush, Cheesewood, Butter Bush, Native Willow or Native Apricot. The properties of Gumbi Gumbi are quite potent and only those familiar with…

  • ‘Red Iron Bark’ – Eucalyptus sideroxylon Rosea

    ‘Red Iron Bark’ – Eucalyptus sideroxylon Rosea

    I live in Iron Bark territory, on a clay soil, near the coast, the local Iron Barks stand up to the strong coastal winds and often boggy soil. One introduced Iron bark that does very well in my area is Eucalyptus sideroxylon Rosea, this is a stunning medium sized tree, that I gladly recommend for…

  • Happy Wattle Day: Acacia aphylla

    Happy Wattle Day: Acacia aphylla

    Happy National Wattle Day and the official first day of Spring, although the weather where I live has been behaving more like Summer, which is extremely concerning. Nevertheless I am always happy to celebrate our Acacia species and this one I have been so patiently waiting for it to flower, and finally starting in Autumn…

  • Calothamnus quadrifidus grey: texture and toughness

    Calothamnus quadrifidus grey: texture and toughness

    I thought I had already dedicated a blog post to this steadfast native shrub but have just realised it has featured a few times but hasn’t been praised individually yet. Very strange as this is a staple in many of my screening plantings or used as a feature shrub, especially as it will quite happily…

  • The multifaceted Eremophila oppositifolia

    The multifaceted Eremophila oppositifolia

    Eremophila oppositifolia is very deceiving , it appears delicate and a little fussy but in actual fact it is one of the hardiest native shrubs around. Most Eremophila or Emu bush grow naturally in Western and Southern Australia and although they come from area with a Mediterranean climate many of them are quite adaptable in…

  • Outstanding: Grevillea arenaria

    Outstanding: Grevillea arenaria

    This is an outstanding plant for attracting birds, providing nesting habitat, shelter and nectar for honeyeaters and insectivorous birds. George Adams ‘Birdscaping Australian Gardens’ Thanks George I couldn’t have said it any better! I love my copy of the above book and use it all the time, I also love Grevillea arenaria or the Nepean…

  • There’s nothing quite like Maireana oppositifolia

    There’s nothing quite like Maireana oppositifolia

    There truly is nothing quite like Maireana oppositifolia, the strange and intriguing habit of this silver foliaged beauty is unique. It has a strong upright habit with its branchlets compact and forming points giving it a sculptural affect. In the image below you can see standing strong behind the Eremophila ‘Kalbarri Carpet’. Because of its…

  • Another top Paperbark: Melaleuca viridiflora ‘Burgundy Weeper’

    Another top Paperbark: Melaleuca viridiflora ‘Burgundy Weeper’

    It has been a  paperbark appreciation month for me, I love Melaleuca’s as they will grow so easily in difficult heavy soils and their flowers are rich in nectar for birds and bees alike. Melaleuca viridiflora ‘Burgundy Weeper’ is no exception, it covers itself in deep reddish purple flowers attracting honey eaters and bees. Above…

  • The Invaluable Grevillea ‘Dorothy gordon’

    The Invaluable Grevillea ‘Dorothy gordon’

    I struggle a little with some of the Large flowering Grevilleas, they tend to attract the more aggressive nectar feeding birds like Rainbow Lorikeets and Noisy Miners. These birds then tend to dominate the garden scaring away the smaller more timid birds. However I do make an exception for a hand full of large flowering…

  • Soft and Foamy Grevillea’Seaspray’

    Soft and Foamy Grevillea’Seaspray’

    Generally I am drawn to plants which are tactile and gentle, whether that be a weeping habit, furry leaf or light breezy foliage. By nature many of our Australian native plants have a grey or silver leaf, which helps them withstand extreme heat or salty sea air, this type of leaf I love as it…

  • Two top Thomasias: Thomasia macrocarpa and Thomasia solanacea

    Two top Thomasias: Thomasia macrocarpa and Thomasia solanacea

    Thomasia is a native shrub species which can be found largely in the south of Western Australia, like many of the species located in that area of Australia it is quite adaptable. For some reason all of this genus is endowed with showy, textured foliage like few other native species, making them a wonderful edition…

  • Privacy with punch: Leptospermum lanigerum ‘Seclusion’

    Privacy with punch: Leptospermum lanigerum ‘Seclusion’

    Please meet Leptospermum ‘Seclusion’ which I am finding to be an outstanding native screening plant, originally I admit to buying it for its intriguing cultivar name ‘Seclusion’, who doesn’t want that in their garden right? It also has a classic favourite colour combination of mine which is grey leaves with pink flowers, and what a…

  • The elegant branches of Leptospermum brachyandrum ‘Silver’

    The elegant branches of Leptospermum brachyandrum ‘Silver’

    I have written about this favourite tea tree of mine before, however I think it deserves another post which is more dedicated to its elegant branches and decorative bark. I took these photos of Leptopsermum brachyandrum ‘Silver’ at Kuranga native nursery last year, where they have used the species extensively around their pond and throughout…

  • Pittosporum revolutum and its eye catching fruit

    Pittosporum revolutum and its eye catching fruit

    This is Pittosporum revolutum, a medium shrub with jasmine-scented blossoms which flowers profusley in Spring and then is covered in decorative fruit in Autumn. When flowering the scent permeates the whole garden and is often commented on by visitors. In the bush it grows as an understory plant and often gets quite leggy, but pruning…

  • Light it up: Grevillea lanigera ‘Mellow Yellow’

    Light it up: Grevillea lanigera ‘Mellow Yellow’

    I have mass planted Grevillea ‘Mellow Yellow in a semi shaded position in my garden and have been surprised at its tenacity and ability to cover its self in blooms for an extended period of time. The small striking spider like flowers appeared in Summer and are showing no sign of slowing down as we…

  • Native plants in the Melbourne City Streetscape

    Native plants in the Melbourne City Streetscape

    This post is all about praising the plant selection used in the ‘Grey to Green’ project in the City of Melbourne. Much of the plant palate features native species, and on a recent tour I was so impressed with the combinations and utilisation of these species that I felt the need to share some photos…

  • Happy 10th Eucalyptus Day: Eucalyptus paniculata

    Happy 10th Eucalyptus Day: Eucalyptus paniculata

    I live among the gum trees, literally … as John Williams sang “Give me a home among the gum trees” this is the best I could hope for in suburbia to be living under the canopy of three magnificent indigenous Grey Ironbarks or Eucalyptus paniculata. I rejoice in their beauty every day. Our bedroom window…

  • Emu Bush Challenge No. 10: Eremophila ‘Meringur Crimson’

    Emu Bush Challenge No. 10: Eremophila ‘Meringur Crimson’

    And so it continues … documenting my Eremophila discoveries, I will get to 12 one day! As we approach the end of another La Niña Summer, where heavy downpours are common and the humidity is high, it is a great chance to reflect on hardy, flexible native plants. Amongst the surprises are many species of Eremophilas…

  • Australian Native Plants in Japan

    Australian Native Plants in Japan

    It was inevitable that I wouldn’t be able to turn off my native plant nerd brain whilst overseas in Japan last month…. I tried, I really did. I took photos of Japanese plants, seed pods and flowers and researched after visiting the gardens and temples. BUT every Australian plant seemed to call out to me…

  • Most Memorable Planting Combinations at the National Arboretum

    Most Memorable Planting Combinations at the National Arboretum

    Every time I visit our nations lovely Capital I seem to find myself at the National Arboretum, by default I manage to eke out at least half an hour to check in on some of my favourite plantings. I have posted previously about two of these species but when I was looking over my photos…

  • Happy Eucalyptus Day! Eucalyptus risdonii

    Happy Eucalyptus Day! Eucalyptus risdonii

    This is a Eucalypt species very close to my heart, you can see it in my banner at the top of the website. Yes, I took photos of it almost 10 years ago and have recently revisited the vegetation community where it can be found. Eucalyptus risdonii grows only on the eastern shore of Hobart…

  • My Favourite Poa: Poa ‘Suggan Buggan’

    My Favourite Poa: Poa ‘Suggan Buggan’

    Since discovering this super blue grey form of Poa labillardieri I have been throwing it around with gay abandon 😉 my love for native grasses and Poas in particular is something which is pretty obvious when you see some of my designs. They are soft and weeping, quick growing and hardy and make a wonderful…

  • Powerful Pollinators: Leptospermums

    Powerful Pollinators: Leptospermums

    We are mid the Australian Annual Pollinator Week and I have been admiring our our native tea trees all Spring so I thought I would bring them to your attention this week as they are wonderful plants to grow for our native pollinators. “Australian Pollinator Week acknowledges our important and unique insect pollinators during our…