Category: Uncategorized

  • Powerful medicinal tree: Pittosporum angustifolium

    Powerful medicinal tree: Pittosporum angustifolium

    This is a small native Medicine plant affectionately known as Gumbi Gumbi, it actually has many names as it has many uses. It is also known as Western Pittosporum, Berrigan, Bitter Bush, Cattle Bush, Cheesewood, Butter Bush, Native Willow or Native Apricot. The properties of Gumbi Gumbi are quite potent and only those familiar with…

  • Two top Thomasias: Thomasia macrocarpa and Thomasia solanacea

    Two top Thomasias: Thomasia macrocarpa and Thomasia solanacea

    Thomasia is a native shrub species which can be found largely in the south of Western Australia, like many of the species located in that area of Australia it is quite adaptable. For some reason all of this genus is endowed with showy, textured foliage like few other native species, making them a wonderful edition…

  • Pittosporum revolutum and its eye catching fruit

    Pittosporum revolutum and its eye catching fruit

    This is Pittosporum revolutum, a medium shrub with jasmine-scented blossoms which flowers profusley in Spring and then is covered in decorative fruit in Autumn. When flowering the scent permeates the whole garden and is often commented on by visitors. In the bush it grows as an understory plant and often gets quite leggy, but pruning…

  • Kangaroo Paw Care – Get the Pruners Out!

    Kangaroo Paw Care – Get the Pruners Out!

    The Kangaroo Paws in this Bundeena garden are a rainbow of colour, they were planted three years ago in a swathe to test Angus Stewarts ‘Anigozanthos ‘Landscape series’ range. They have a striking effect mass planted and it was a delight to go back and visit them in full bloom a couple of weeks ago.…

  • Gardening for Wellbeing

    Gardening for Wellbeing

    Stress Relief, Connection to Nature, Community involvement, Mood lifting, Physical Health, Personal Growth ….just to name a few! Words by Kath Gadd and Hannah Preston at Mallee Design In times of great social and economic upheaval gardening can offer multiple benefits. As we are living through one of those times right now, where many of…

  • How to Regenerate Bushland in your Backyard

    How to Regenerate Bushland in your Backyard

    Does your garden look a little like the one in the image above? It has so much potential but you don’t know where to start? Regenerating your own patch of bushland is exciting and rewarding. You get to see first-hand the return of native birds, bees and other wildlife that follow when native vegetation re-establishes…

  • Help! What’s wrong with my Plants?

    Help! What’s wrong with my Plants?

    By Kath Gadd and Hannah Preston Well it would seem La Niña is here with a vengence along the NSW and QLD east coast, resulting in way too much rain and very uncomfortable humidity. It has been a tough summer for many plants. Not only have the weeds enjoyed an extreme growth spurt but the…

  • Portfolio: Haberfield Landscape Design

    Portfolio: Haberfield Landscape Design

    The brief for this front garden in Sydney’s inner west was to create a modern native garden which is sympathetic to the era of the house and show cases an Art Deco water feature passed down through the family. The front garden now addresses and interacts with the street and also provides a sense of…

  • Search for Sustainable Packaging Solutions

    Search for Sustainable Packaging Solutions

    For years now, we have been searching for a way to make our birdbath packaging more sustainable. Our starting idea is that the packaging should be able to be composted in the very gardens our birdbaths occupy. It doesn’t make sense to offer a product that beautifies one part of our landscape but sullies another…

  • A Portrait of a Flower: Hakea francisiana

    A Portrait of a Flower: Hakea francisiana

    Look at this thing! is it not one of the most spectacular flowers you have ever seen? I have been impatiently waiting for this moment in my Hakea francisiana Grafted life cycle since I planted it 6 months ago. It began flowering a couple of weeks ago, just as we went into COVID lockdown again,…

  • Portfolio: St Ives Landscape Design

    Portfolio: St Ives Landscape Design

    This garden in the leafy north shore suburb of St Ives was designed last year and built only 7 months ago, by Ash from ‘Living on the Hedge’. Part of the brief for this garden was to have plenty of year round flowers for bees and birds and given these photos have been taken in…

  • Happy Eucalypt Day! Eucalyptus pulverulenta ‘Baby Blue’

    Happy Eucalypt Day! Eucalyptus pulverulenta ‘Baby Blue’

    National Eucalypt Day is an initiative of Eucalypt Australia that aims to raise awareness of Eucalypts and celebrate the important place that they hold in the hearts and lives of Australians.  I have taken some photos of one of my favourite Mallee Eucalypts, flowering in my garden for the first time this month, luckily coninciding…

  • Screening with Hardenbergia violacea

    Screening with Hardenbergia violacea

    This climber always surprises me every year with how aptly it lives up to its common name of Happy Wanderer. The little pea flower spikes really do have tiny smiling faces with bright green eyes. Hardenbergia violacea is a local native climber or scrambler to most of the east coast of Australia, growing naturally on…

  • Health Benefits of Gardening

    Health Benefits of Gardening

    Stress Relief, Connection to Nature, Connection to Community, Physical Health, Personal Growth ….just to name a few! I am no stranger to “stress weeding” or “stress pruning” for that matter. There is something indescribably satisfying about pulling unwanted weeds out of a garden bed or giving a straggly plant a much needed “hack back” 🙂…

  • The ‘New’ formal Native Garden

    The ‘New’ formal Native Garden

    When most people think of a formal garden the first images that spring to mind are rows of neatly clipped Buxus borders with some Robinia topiary and maybe a screening Camellia hedge. These are some of the easiest plants to use if you are copying the European template for creating a formal style garden, they…

  • Tugarah Gunya’marri: Cold and Windy

    Tugarah Gunya’marri: Cold and Windy

    During the Tugarah Gunya’marri the days are getting noticeably longer, but the weather is still cold. Then with the blooming of the Marrai’uo (Acacia floribunda) comes the cold, southwesterly winds; the children become cranky and the adults become bad-tempered. It is not a good time of year for anyone. Frances Bodkin ‘D’harawal: Climate and Natural…

  • Portfolio: Garden Design Lewisham

    Portfolio: Garden Design Lewisham

    This garden in Lewisham was built in early spring of 2016 so is roughly 6 months old at the time these images were taken. It is a special garden that was part of a new renovation and was considered very early on by the clients and architect. In the image below you can see what…

  • Mallee Birdbaths and Water Bowls at The Collectors Plant Fair Next Weekend!

    Mallee Birdbaths and Water Bowls at The Collectors Plant Fair Next Weekend!

    Hi Everyone, its market season again! We will have a stand at the ‘Collectors Plant Fair’ next weekend. It’s a great opportunity to come and check out our spun copper birdbaths and water bowls in ‘real life’ and also to come and have a chat or say ‘hello’. Collector’s Plant Fair 2017 Sat & Sun…

  • Mallee Design SHOP

    Mallee Design SHOP

    It is official! the Mallee birdbaths and water dishes have their very own online shop! they will be much more comfortable there 😉 they can take up as much space and get as much attention as they need. Please visit for all bird bath purchases. We have had a price change also, all the new prices…

  • Tufted Herbs: Patersonia sericea

    Tufted Herbs: Patersonia sericea

    I need to admit I am not very competent when it comes to recognising and utilising Australian tufted perennial herby plants in a garden. For some reason I get the Theliomenas confused with the Thysanotus and the Sowerbaea and with Arthropodium! All are beautiful and all are grass like with wonderful prominent flowers poking their heads…

  • Portfolio: Garden Design Chatswood

    Portfolio: Garden Design Chatswood

    I designed this garden in Chatswood in March 2013, pretty much exactly three years ago. The client has been chipping away at building the garden from my drawings over the years, it is a large garden that backs onto some beautiful bushland, where weeds have been a constant problem. Below you can see an image…

  • How Useful are Drawings?

    How Useful are Drawings?

    Beware this post may be a rant…..however you have been warned so now I shall go on 😉 … I basically love drawing, I love being able to put my ideas on paper in an organised manner which then can be referred to as a ‘Plan’ not just a Garden Design Plan but a ‘Plan’…

  • Re-launch of APS Illawarra

    Re-launch of APS Illawarra

    Hi Everyone, I am stepping up to the plate this year, to get the Illawarra Branch of the Australian Plant Society happening again. I am really hoping to get some of the old members back again but also encourage some new members too. My aim is to have open garden visits and bush walks to…

  • A little research….

    A little research….

    A little research can go a long way. Take some time to think about what you are putting in the ground, I love this photo, I took it several years ago and for me it tells a story. Someone thought it might be a good idea to match their planting with their paint work (nothing…