Tag: wildlife habitat

  • Another Callistmon for the resurgence: Callistemon subulatus ‘Brogo Overflow’

    Another Callistmon for the resurgence: Callistemon subulatus ‘Brogo Overflow’

    I have written before about my love of bottlebrush and how I wish for a resurgence in their use in garden design and the general landscape. There are many new interesting forms and cultivars that are a far shot from the ratty, sparse unloved street trees we all know. They come in soft pinks, deep…

  • Why the name Mallee?

    Why the name Mallee?

    I am often asked if I come from Mallee country in Victoria and sadly the answer is no, Mallee Design my business name was not chosen for geographical reasons it was chosen for aesthetic reasons. I am in love with Mallee Eucalypts. A Eucalyptus becomes classed as a Mallee if it has the following attributes…

  • The display gardens of Austplant Nursery

    The display gardens of Austplant Nursery

    I have been away in Victoria for the past few weeks, camping on Wilsons Prom and then visiting native nurseries and gardens on the Mornington Peninsula. It was a wonderful holiday that has left me with a touch of post holiday depression but plenty of photos of native plants to share with you! One of…

  • The exploding Leptospermum ‘Starry Night’

    The exploding Leptospermum ‘Starry Night’

    I have been monitoring these Leptospermum obovatum ‘Starry Night’ shrubs (that   I planted in a neighbours garden) closely, waiting, waiting for them to flower and BOOM! last week they exploded! I love reddish or burgundy foliage and there are several species of Leptospermum with a red tinge to the leaf however ‘Starry Night’ is…

  • Another true blue Banksia ground cover: Banksia petiolaris

    Another true blue Banksia ground cover: Banksia petiolaris

    This is another great WA prostrate ground cover Banksia that grows and flowers directly on the ground like Banksia blechnifolia. They have a very similar habit, however their leaves and flowers are quite different. Banksia petiolaris has a lovely bluish hue to its leaf, in the image above you can see it growing amongst Themeda…

  • The silver cascading Banksia ‘Roller Coaster’

    The silver cascading Banksia ‘Roller Coaster’

    This is one of the most useful native plants around, a prostrate form of the coast Banksia, Banksia integrifolia. I like to use it for covering embankments like the one in these images at the Bulli Grevillea Park. It also layers upon itself giving it some height and density and therefore creating a useful mounding shape.…

  • Why raised Birdbaths are better!

    Why raised Birdbaths are better!

    In this post I am going to touch on a contentious topic for some people and as I am completely not wishing to offend anybody here is a little warning to cat lovers and owners out there; basically I think cats are completely inappropriate pets in Australia because of the destruction they cause to our…

  • The arching canes of Old Socks: Grevillea leucopteris

    The arching canes of Old Socks: Grevillea leucopteris

    There are a group of Grevilleas which throw their flowers out on tall leggy canes, up into the air far away from their foliage. Grevillea petrophiloides is probably one of the better known and more available ones in NSW, but I would also like to bring attention to Grevillea leucopteris. In the image above you…

  • The Elegant Wilga: Geijera parviflora

    The Elegant Wilga: Geijera parviflora

    This beautiful, weeping small tree is known as Wilga or Australian Willow and willowy it is, its long, narrow, pendulous leaves droop down creating a dense shade umbrella. Unfortunately this Australian native tree is used quite infrequently in gardens or urban horticulture, this is mainly due to availability issues but also as it is quite…

  • I went walking in Bouddi National Park

    I went walking in Bouddi National Park

    I went walking last week along the stunning coastal track in Bouddi National Park, and was blown away by the winter flowers in the bush. The track winds along the sandstone cliffs, dipping into moist forest and creeks providing a varied glimpse of the different plant communities in the Bouddi National Park. This blog post is…

  • Tasmanian Winter Correas

    Tasmanian Winter Correas

    Ohhh my pretties! Correas are so, so sweet… sometimes I catch myself speaking to them using my special voice reserved for babies, dogs and small birds 😉 Correas were out everywhere in Tasmania when I was there last month, they are used on council verges, carparks and kids playgrounds and they look spectacular! The pink…

  • Brilliant Banksia ‘Orange Glow’

    Brilliant Banksia ‘Orange Glow’

    I have written a lot about the dwarf varieties of Banksia spinulosa but virtually nothing about the dwarf forms of Banksia ericifolia, I must rectify this! They are also prolific flowerers and have a wonderful dense habit and are equally bird attracting. There are several varieties, however the one in these images is Banksia ericifolia ‘Orange…

  • June Long Weekend Warehouse Sale!

    June Long Weekend Warehouse Sale!

    This June long weekend @timbermillstudios, where I have my little workspace, is having a small extravaganza! To celebrate the artists who have their studios there, the opening of a new cafe (Hooray!!!!) and to support the designers and sellers who work there (me). I will be having a 10% off open warehouse sale to celebrate…

  • The much anticipated Hakea ‘Burrendong Beauty’

    The much anticipated Hakea ‘Burrendong Beauty’

    This Hakea always gets me, it seems to bud up “forever” in late Summer and Autumn and then after much anticipation and waiting it does this! Each branch bursts open with hundreds of pink ball like flowers. Hakea myrtoides x petiolaris ‘Burrendong Beauty’ has stunning dense masses of red flowers with pink stamens that cover…

  • Mallee Specials @ Collectors Plant Fair 2018

    Mallee Specials @ Collectors Plant Fair 2018

    During this year’s Collectors Plant Fair we will be offering a 10% discount on all birdbaths and spun copper dishes purchased and picked up from our stall! If you would like to pre-order anything for pick up from the fair on that weekend please get in touch by Thursday the 5th of April. We will also be…

  • Some plants are just plain tough: Melaleuca ‘Ulladulla Beacon’

    Some plants are just plain tough: Melaleuca ‘Ulladulla Beacon’

    I seem to be on a bit of a Melaleuca tangent of late so I am just going to go with it, Melaleucas are tough and perform beautifully under a range of conditions especially in a heavier clay soil, this is one of the many reasons I love Melaleuca hypericifolia ‘Ulladulla Beacon’. Melaleuca ‘Ulladulla Beacon’ is…

  • Quick Screen & Habitat: Hakea salicifolia

    Quick Screen & Habitat: Hakea salicifolia

    This is the Willow Leafed Hakea or Hakea salicifolia, friend to Hakea sericea, the reason I think they are friends is that they have a lot in common, plus they were growing so happily together when I took these photos 😉 as you can see in the image below. Hakea salicifolia is a fast growing…

  • Hakea sericea: Pink or White?

    Hakea sericea: Pink or White?

    Whenever I am asked what is a great small bird attracting shrub for native gardens Hakea sericea is often on the top of my recommended list. It is a medium to large shrub with a dense habit and sharp needle like leaves for the small birds to seek refuge in. Thornbills, finches and honeyeaters will…

  • Bee Friendly Grevillea: Grevillea sericea

    Bee Friendly Grevillea: Grevillea sericea

    Grevillea sericea is a very useful shrub in a native garden, it makes a wonderful small bird habitat plant with its prickly leaves and small spider flowers, it will grow and flower in part to heavy shade and it can be pruned into a dense low screen, plus it lasts for weeks as a cut…

  • Sooooo many Emu Bush: Eremophila maculata

    Sooooo many Emu Bush: Eremophila maculata

    There are soooo many Eremophilas and I only know of and use a handful, I would like to rectify this situation, I am going to set myself a challenge to be able to recognise and utilise at least a dozen Eremophila species in the next 12 months. These images are of Eremophila maculata ssp. maculata, which…

  • Bathing Birds: Mallee Birdbath

    Bathing Birds: Mallee Birdbath

    I am pretty excited as we have a new toy, a wildlife camera to take photos of the birds in our birdbaths. It’s wonderful! I have tried so many times to take photos of the birds in my garden and unless you have a fantastic telephoto lens and loads of time to sit patiently and…

  • Mallee Design SHOP

    Mallee Design SHOP

    It is official! the Mallee birdbaths and water dishes have their very own online shop! they will be much more comfortable there 😉 they can take up as much space and get as much attention as they need. Please visit shop.malleedesign.com.au for all bird bath purchases. We have had a price change also, all the new prices…

  • Portfolio: Garden Design Hunters Hill Update

    Portfolio: Garden Design Hunters Hill Update

    This garden in Hunters Hill was built in 2013, I went back for a visit largely because I have been asked for images of native gardens that sit well in bushland areas of Sydney and this is one of the first that came to mind. Upon entering the garden from the street you have very…

  • The Collectors Plant Fair 2016

    The Collectors Plant Fair 2016

    I am going to have a stall at The Collectors Plant Fair next month selling my spun copper bird baths and I can’t wait! I have been a fan of this event since it was held in Bilpin, every year now it grows bigger and better and is a haven for fellow plant nerds 😉…