Category: Bird attracting

  • Eucalyptus ‘Summer Beauty’ and ‘Summer Red’

    Eucalyptus ‘Summer Beauty’ and ‘Summer Red’

    I know some people think that the Grafted Eucalyptus ficifolia Flowering gums are getting a little bit common, and in some respects I tend to agree. However, it is with very good reason, as whenever I see one in flower it still takes my breath away, they are just so amazingly beautiful! And not only…

  • Portfolio: Bulli Garden Design

    Portfolio: Bulli Garden Design

    This garden is located in the costal northern Wollongong suburb of Wollongong, on a low ridge and midway down a slope. When I saw the garden for the first time it was directly after the new house had been built, lawn, new soil and mulch had been installed already. The garden was planted out on…

  • The Collectors Plant Fair 2016

    The Collectors Plant Fair 2016

    I am going to have a stall at The Collectors Plant Fair next month selling my spun copper bird baths and I can’t wait! I have been a fan of this event since it was held in Bilpin, every year now it grows bigger and better and is a haven for fellow plant nerds 😉…

  • The Mini Dish

    The Mini Dish

    Please welcome “The Mini” dish to my bird bath family, yes, they have been breeding and this is the result 😉 a small shallow bird bath that holds 2 litres of water and is 420mm wide x 25mm deep. In the image below you can see how they compare in size to the large dish.…

  • My favourite geebung: Persoonia pinifolia

    My favourite geebung: Persoonia pinifolia

    The geebungs are a wonderful family, have you met them yet? it is hard to pick one to be my favourite, Persoonia levis comes in at a close second for its amazing peeling bark with bright red layers, but pinifolia has that weeping habit and I am always a sucker for something that looks soft…

  • Rarely seen in cultivation: Banksia oblongifolia

    Rarely seen in cultivation: Banksia oblongifolia

    I had to pull over again and stop and take photos as soon as this Banksia caught my eye in a quiet inner city suburb. It was planted in the prize position next to the front gate near the letter box on a corner block and was stealing the show of a lovely native front…

  • Keith’s Garden

    Keith’s Garden

    This is my friend Keith’s native front garden in Bulli, I have wanted to take photos of this garden for a long time and on a recent visit finally remembered my camera. Phew! I had to snap quickly as the sun was setting and the mozzies were out. The garden is located on the escarpment…

  • Floating Birdbath

    Floating Birdbath

    Introducing the ‘Floating’ bird bath, I am so happy with this design, the spun copper dish sits atop a steel tripod made of thin rods and two rings, the base simply disappears into the garden if you want it to. The steel tripod stands at 1 metre high, it is the tallest of all the bases…

  • Bundeena Garden Design: Update

    Bundeena Garden Design: Update

    Last week I made a quick visit to one of my favourite gardens in Bundeena and snapped  some photos before the sun went down. The first is of Anigozanthos ‘Landscape Lilac’. A few months ago I plant 12 each of Angus Stewarts new Kangaroo Paws ‘Landcape Lime’ and ‘Landscape Lilac’ in this garden and they…

  • Portfolio: Garden Design Ashfield

    Portfolio: Garden Design Ashfield

    This garden was in the making for only a few days, the plants went in on a very hot day last week but overall it felt very streamlined and easy to build and I have surprised even myself with the transformation! In the image below you can see what it looked like in November… The…

  • The many colours of Banksia robur

    The many colours of Banksia robur

    I saw this particular Banksia robur at Wireandra Nursery a couple of weeks ago, and could be heard to cry out ‘Wow those flowers have Aqua in them!’ once I go up closer I also noticed that at the end of each new flower there was also mauve! I have long been in love with…

  • Why don’t Flame trees flower more often?

    Why don’t Flame trees flower more often?

    Brachychiton acerifolius is an amazing medium sized tree, when it flowers!!! Unfortunately I think I can safely put it in the same flowering category as Gymea Lilys, which is difficult… Doryanthes excelsa flowers on average after 7 years, Brachychiton acerifolius is often more like 8, thats a long time to wait for a tree to…

  • Why are Kangaroo Paws so hard to photograph?

    Why are Kangaroo Paws so hard to photograph?

    I have found photographing Kangaroo Paws to be extremely frustrating, which is a great shame as they are one of my favourite native plants. They are showy, have long lasting flowers, a weeping leaf habit mixed with the striking vertical flower stems making them an excellent feature plant. However when I go to photograph them…

  • Sandstone Plinth Bird Bath

    Sandstone Plinth Bird Bath

    This is the 2nd style of my plinth bird bath series, a half sawn and half picked sandstone pedestal. I am very excited about this base, it is solid sandstone  220mm x 250mm x 750mm and in perfect visual balance with the spun copper dish. This bird bath can be purchased over here. If you are…

  • Happy Wattle Day: Acacia cognata

    Happy Wattle Day: Acacia cognata

    September the 1st is National Wattle day, did you know that? I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t until fairly recently…whoops! Wattle Day has quite a long history going back to when the Wattle became our National emblem, you can read more about it here What I find particularly interesting about this National Day of celebration is…

  • Kendall Community Pre-School: One inspiring place

    Kendall Community Pre-School: One inspiring place

    I was lucky enough be part of a Horticulturl Speakers Day in Kendall on the NSW Central coast last month And seeing as it was going to be quite a drive I decided to make the most of the opportunity and took the family for a little adventure. It was a great 3 days for…

  • My Favourite Frost Tolerant Grevillea: Grevillea victoriae

    My Favourite Frost Tolerant Grevillea: Grevillea victoriae

    This winter has been a bit of a learning curve for me in the frost tolerant Grevillea department; for some reason I have been asked again and again which Grevilleas will withstand medium to heavy frosts.  Many grevilleas with smaller needle like leaves such as Grevillea lanigera, alpina and rosmarinifolia are good at coping in heavy…

  • My Favourite Banksia spinulosa Dwarfs

    My Favourite Banksia spinulosa Dwarfs

    There are many dwarf forms of Banksia spinulosa, so many it can be quite confusing and seem a little ridiculous when it comes to choosing one. There are slight variances in the foliage, the flower colour, the flower size and in the size and shape of the shrub itself. For most people these difference would…

  • Walcott Garden: Canberra

    Walcott Garden: Canberra

    A few weeks back I was lucky enough to appeal to a very generous couple, Ros and Ben Walcott. I contacted them out of the blue and asked if I could visit their garden. We were travelling to Canberra to see an exhibition and I had just read an article about their garden in the…

  • Portfolio: Gordon Courtyard Garden Design

    Portfolio: Gordon Courtyard Garden Design

    This small courtyard garden is part 2 of a 3 stage garden design for clients on the upper north shore. This was a middle garden that services a flat/studio attached to the main house, to say it was fairly un-loved is an understatement. See the before image below.   It is a shady garden, dominated…

  • One for Brightening up Shady Hollows: Correa pulchella ‘Orange Glow’

    One for Brightening up Shady Hollows: Correa pulchella ‘Orange Glow’

    I was at an open garden today and the Grevilleas were in full bloom everywhere you looked, along with many of the Banksias and even some of the Wattles, however my eye was drawn again and again to this plant. Correa pulchella ‘Orange Glow’ had been planted throughout the garden in hidden shady spots and…

  • Portfolio: Gordon Garden Design

    Portfolio: Gordon Garden Design

    I am really enjoying watching the garden settle in, thank you for all your efforts This is Stage 1 of a garden I am working on in Gordon in the northern suburbs of Sydney. The front garden went in about 6 months ago and has flourished over the summer months with the loving care of…

  • Extremely fast growing screen: Homalanthus populifolius

    Extremely fast growing screen: Homalanthus populifolius

    You have to love a species that can pop up by itself, grow a couple of metres in a year and will do so in full shade. Well I do anyway, although it may appear uninvited in your garden (it is easy to pull out) I have had the experience of it growing in just…

  • Verge Gardens

    Verge Gardens

    I am a big fan of a front garden that makes a statement in the street-scape or somehow breaks up the monotony of the suburban front garden ‘norm’. I often kick myself for not being able to stop or being without my camera when I spot a front garden that goes out of its way…