Dwarf Eucalyptus for small gardens: Eucalyptus citriodora DWARF

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The lemon scented gum is one of my favourite fragrances, that pungent citronella smell released after the rain or at dusk on a summer evening makes me feel all sentimental about our incredible flora.
Unfortunately Eucalyptus or Corymbia citriodora doesn’t mix so well with the urban landscape, firstly they get tall, very tall and secondly as with most smooth barked Eucalypts like to drop their branches in a strong wind.

Corymbia citriodora grafted

However now there are multiple dwarf grafted forms available, which only reach 6-8 metres in height! Hoorah! They come with similar names and all similar in growth, appearance and smell. Wether you find them in the nursery with the tag Corymbia citriodora ‘Scentuous’/’Baby Citro’/’Lemon Essence’, they will achieve the same outcome. I have used the name ‘Scentuous’ throughout this post, because that was the first grafted species available at nurseries.

Corymbia citriodora Dwarf

In the image above you can see one which was planted about 3 years ago and is around 6 meters already.

Corymbia citriodora ‘Scentuous’ Grafted

I have camped in lemon scented gum forests and been intoxicated by the smell and not a single mosquito was to be found even though it was the height of Summer.

Corymbia citriodora ‘Scentuous’

Eucalyptus ‘Scentuous’ is tall and narrow and very weeping in habit, its will reach around 3 to 4 metres wide, and develops the same striking smooth white trunk the same as the full size tree.

Corymbia citriodora grafted

In the image above it is under planted with Lomandra’s, Westringia and Eremophilla ‘Pink Pantha’.

Corymbia citriodora ‘Scentuous’

Eucalyptus ‘Scentuous’ will grow in full sun to part shade and prefers a well drained soil. Due to its smaller size it is very versatile, and great for gardens of all sizes and perfect for streetscapes, it can also be pruned to stay smaller if needed. The bark and flowers add visual interest all year round.

Corymbia citriodora grafted

The sun dancing through the foliage is a pleasant outlook to while away some hours.

Corymbia citriodora Dwarf Grafted

The flowers are prolific in Summer and nectar rich, attracting bees and birds alike, they also have a very strong honey scent.

Corymbia citriodora grafted

Providing some shade in this garden it is under planted with Themeda ‘Mingo’ with a path to the street.

Corymbia citriodora grafted

Providing screening from the street, this plant also tolerates drought and light frost once established.

Corymbia citriodora ‘Scentuous’

This great dwarf Eucalyptus is a worthwhile addition to any garden large or small, and well worth giving pride of place in a native garden, make sure you plant it close so you can regularly enjoy its lemony scented goodness!


27 responses to “Dwarf Eucalyptus for small gardens: Eucalyptus citriodora DWARF”

  1. Cat

    What kind of climate/conditions would this Eucalypt be suitable for? I’m from Canberra and lemon-scented gum is my favourite. I would love to be able to grow this in my garden!

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Cat,

      I’m not sure how it would go in Canberra with the frost, perhaps if you could protect it from frost for the first couple of winters it may become harden to the climate?

      Good Luck!


  2. Belinda

    Hi I live in Adelaide and this dwarf variety has one our LOVE would it geow well dor us and if so please tell me how to or where to find stockists in my area .thankyou for your insightful knowledge so hard to find !!!

  3. Kath Gadd

    Hi Belinda,

    Sydney Wildflower Nursery do a mail order service, that might be your best bet,
    02 95482818.

    Best Wishes,


  4. Anna Gregg

    Hi Kath,

    I have a 1.4m natural rock wall at the rear of my North West Facing rear yard. There is an ugly paling fence above this (boundary fence) that stands around 3meres high. I have 8 metres of my garden bed in front that I would like to plant a row of small gums with native grasses underneath. The soil is a bit on the clay side and gets a bit boggy with long periods of rain. I have used clay breaker and added native soil mix to improve the soil. I was wondering if you could recommend a small gum that would work in this situation. I was thinking either Eucalyptus Pauciflora Little Snowman or the Eucalyptus Citrodora Scentuous or Baby Citro. Would love some advice. I live in West Chatswood. Thanks Anna

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Anna,

      It might be a good idea if you can send me some photos? and tell me a little more about the aspect? is it exposed and windy? how deep or shallow is the soil etc.



  5. Carmen

    Hello. I love the classic tall lemon-scented gums for their broad-reaching branches, and would like to recreate this look in my garden. But, as you say, I can’t have the 30m tall branch dropping version in my backyard. This dwarf ‘scentuous’ version appears very straight and limbless in your photo. Will it develop wider-reaching limbs as it ages or is this tall and narrow profile typical of the tree? If it will stay narrow, could I plant several of these trees only meters apart to form a little grove? Or would you advise against this?
    Is there another ‘backyard suitable’ gum tree that will give me the classic sprawling gum tree look I am after? I am happy for it to be quite tall. 10-15m. I had considered scribble gum until I realised they are super branch droppers too.
    Thank you.

  6. Philip Pearce

    How/where can I get one?

  7. Lyn Stunden

    We have one about 3 meters from the front windows can these be pruned. Hav3 recently moved in and are wondering if we should remove it as we’re worried about size. We we tol it is a dwarf, grafted Lemon scented gum .

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Lyn,

      If they are the dwarf species they don’t get very wide, they tend to become a narrow tree to about 6-7 metres.
      You can prune them after they flower and they will be fine.

      Best Wishes,


  8. Troy

    Hi Kath,
    I know this post was quite some time ago so I understand if you don’t wish to reply. If you do however my question is for this particular gum, would it be wise to plant in the vicinity of a sewer? I am after a feature tree to my front yard in Hervey Bay. NW aspect on clay/loam clay.
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Troy,

      Usually the main roots remain in the drip zone (the area under the tree branches at maturity). I wouldn’t put it anywhere where the drip zone will extend over pipes so no I probably wouldn’t place it in the vicinity yof your sewer. It is a great tree to have if you can keep it a little away from those foundations.

      All the best,

  9. Richard

    Hi Kath! Are the dwarf varieties safe to plant within, say 2m of the foundations of a home? I’m aiming to shade a north facing brick face of a home from the high summer sun.

  10. Shane

    Hi Kath,

    Another belated addition to this post but having just now discovered it while researching this fascinating dwarf gum I thought I’d try my luck.

    By all accounts, once established, it is a tree requiring very little maintenance. However, I am still curious to know your thoughts regarding pruning, watering and nutrition and also if there are any prevalent pests and/or diseases one should be aware of for this specific species.

    Any info would be most welcome and much appreciated.

    Thanks & regards


  11. Jenn

    Hi there
    I am trying to buy this tree but cannot seem to get it anywhere. Any ideas . I am in Newcastle NSW

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Jenn,

      Newcastle Wildflower Nursery may have them, you could call in advance to check: https://www.newcastlewildflower.com.au/stock-list
      They do list Corymbia citriodora ‘Scentuous’ in their stock list. This one is sometimes called ‘Corymbia’ and sometimes called ‘Eucalyptus’.

      All the best,

      All the best

  12. Eliza

    Hi there! I’m in Melbourne and would love to plant one of these. There’s a huge one out the front of my local nursery and it smells divine. Do you know how well it would fare in the inner NE melbourne climate (warm temperate)? My soil is quite clay heavy but I have a silver princess which is doing well. Most importantly, how far from the house should it be planted? Very grateful for any advice, I know this thread is old.

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Eliza,

      It should do fine in your climate, it won’t like clay soils very much (the roots don’t like to sit in water) but it is very hardy and you could certainly give it a go. If you buy one make sure you dig a large hole for it and add in some well draining native potting mix.

      I would plant at least 4m away from any structural foundations underground/pipes.

      All the best,

  13. Trudi

    Would this tree be suitable to put in a large pot? Would it restrict the height/width growth by doing so? I love this tree but it is just too big for where I would need it to be. Thank you.

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Trudi, Yes you could grow this in a pot, make it a large one a half wine barrel size. Being in the pot will restrict its height and will hopefully provide the size you need for your garden.

  14. Lucy

    Hi Kath

    I’ve been searching for the perfect screening eucalypt for my yard. I live at the beach in Tassy. The soil here is fairly much sand with the water table only a couple of metres down. Do you think this euc could manage these soil conditions if I can protect from frost?

    Thank you

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Lucy,
      Citriodora would possibly not be happy if the roots were to hit wet saline sand. The biggest issue will be with growing a plant that might be happy until it hits the water table.
      Your best options would be a coastal Euc that can also tolerate frost such as Eucalyptus leucoxylon ‘Euky Dwarf’ or Eucalyptus wimmerensis (Tuckertime Honey pots). Other options could be Corymbia ficifolia or Eucalyptus rodwayi ‘Swamp Peppermint’ or Eucalyptus Dry White. This is a good site https://www.wildseedtasmania.com.au/tree_eucalypt.php to give you some options.
      Hope you can find a favorite.

  15. Cassandra

    Hi I’m about to dig out an established lemon scented gum (I’m hoping dwarf variety) owner doesn’t know any details?? It is already 4 meters tall and has been in the ground 2 years. Do you have any idea how wide and deep the root system may be? I have pictures of it if that would help?
    Kind regards,

    1. Spencer

      You’re not in Adelaide are Cassandra? I’m on the look out for one!

      1. Kath Gadd

        Hi Spencer,
        Sadly this tree would not be happy to be transplanted. Natives do not like there roots to be disturbed and this one is very established.
        You’d be better to start afresh,

    2. Kath Gadd

      Hi Cassandra,
      You may need permission from council to remove a native that is 4mts tall.
      Its hard to say with the size of the root ball, but the usual indicator is the width of he canopy is the diameter of the roots, it may have a tap root that has gone straight down but you wont know till you start digging.
      I hope that helps,

  16. Tracey

    Hi, I have planted a Dwarf Lemon-scented Gum (grafted) about 5 years ago and is growing well. However it is quiet gangly and is now around 4 meters tall. I’m looking to cut back (pollard) the trunk for the tree to hopefully it will bush up and look a little fuller with leaves. When would you recommend cutting back and If I reduced the tree by half would that kill the tree.

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