The Western Australian Eucalytpus ficifolia have been wonderful this summer, actually they started off dramatically in Spring and are still going strong despite the hot, hot, hot weather. This blog post features two of the grafted species in an attempt to capture their vibrant contrasting colours. The bright red is the flowers from Eucalyptus ‘Dwarf Red’ a small form that only grows to around 3 metres tall. The red is almost fluorescent like its sister ‘Dwarf Orange’.
The second is Eucalyptus ficifolia ‘Summer Beauty’ the lighter pink of the Summer grafted series.
These wonderful full blooms grow on an almost weeping small Eucalyptus that grows to a mature size of between 5 and 6 metres. In the image below you can see what a striking feature tree it makes especially planted on a front verge.
I find the last Eucalyptus to flower in the season are the ‘Summer Red’ and ‘Summer Glory’, I have my eye on two specimen trees to photograph that are budding up nicely. I am keeping my fingers crossed that they don’t drop their buds from heat stress in this revolting weather. All the Dwarf grafted flowering gums need extra moisture when they are budding up, it is thirsty work making such showy floral displays.
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