Tag: large flower

  • Small Habitat Tree: Corymbia eximia nana

    Small Habitat Tree: Corymbia eximia nana

    If you are looking for a small feature gum tree in your garden which will offer both a food source and habitat for native fauna, look no further. Corymbia eximia ‘Nana’ is a striking, dwarf form of the Yellow Bloodwood. The gnarly mottled wood and crooked trunk of the dwarf version of Corymbia exima or…

  • Anigozanthos ‘Landscape Lime’the underdog

    Anigozanthos ‘Landscape Lime’the underdog

    In the next couple of months Kangaroo Paws all over Australia will be stretching their stems for the sun, flaunting their flower ladened spikes for the birds and the bees. But not just for the wildlife, Anigozanthos are undoubtedly one of our nations most iconic genus and with recent breeding in the taller range, they…

  • Plants of the Wallum

    Plants of the Wallum

    I visited the Wallum Banksia in one of it’s natural habitats on North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah) last week. And along with it the many other wildflowers which were opening thier blooms slightly early in the wildflower season. We explored both the Wallum heathlands and the Wallum Woodlands which has been a dream of mine for…

  • Another top Paperbark: Melaleuca viridiflora ‘Burgundy Weeper’

    Another top Paperbark: Melaleuca viridiflora ‘Burgundy Weeper’

    It has been a  paperbark appreciation month for me, I love Melaleuca’s as they will grow so easily in difficult heavy soils and their flowers are rich in nectar for birds and bees alike. Melaleuca viridiflora ‘Burgundy Weeper’ is no exception, it covers itself in deep reddish purple flowers attracting honey eaters and bees. Above…

  • The little known Banksia ericifolia ‘Little Eric’

    The little known Banksia ericifolia ‘Little Eric’

    Banksias all over Australia are hitting their flowering stride this season, from Autumn until Spring is when most Banksia species will be covered in nectar rich flower spikes. Most people are familiar with the Dwarf Banksia spinulosa cultivars like ‘Birthday Candles’ and ‘Coastal Cushions’. This post is a little shout out to a lesser know…

  • The Invaluable Grevillea ‘Dorothy gordon’

    The Invaluable Grevillea ‘Dorothy gordon’

    I struggle a little with some of the Large flowering Grevilleas, they tend to attract the more aggressive nectar feeding birds like Rainbow Lorikeets and Noisy Miners. These birds then tend to dominate the garden scaring away the smaller more timid birds. However I do make an exception for a hand full of large flowering…

  • What a Summer for Corymbia ficifolia!

    What a Summer for Corymbia ficifolia!

    This Summer of 2023 – 2024 has been extremely kind to out flowering gums, enabling them to put on a prolific show Australia wide. I’m not sure what has made them so happy, it could be adequate moisture whilst they are budding up or enough heat in the sun to make the blooms pop, whatever…

  • Hide it with Hibbertia scandens

    Hide it with Hibbertia scandens

    Hibbertia scandens or Guinea Flower is one of the most hardy and useful native plants I know of. It can be used as a ground cover, a low shrub, climber or it can even be pruned and shaped into lovely topiary shapes. In the images of this post I used it as a screening species…

  • The adaptable possibilities of: Banksia plagiocarpa

    The adaptable possibilities of: Banksia plagiocarpa

    This Banksia not only has beautiful flowers but also eye-catching bright red new growth that is covered in tiny hairs giving it a velvety texture, similar to the new growth on Banksia robur. Banksia plagiocarpa has great ornamental potential in the garden, as it can be grown a a large shrub or can be shaped…

  • Who can resist ? Melaleuca ‘Candy Sparkles’

    Who can resist ? Melaleuca ‘Candy Sparkles’

    Some plants are blessed with fantastic common or cultivar names, this is one such species which I would almost buy for the label alone. ‘Candy Sparkles’ promised to be vibrant, attractive and showy without me even seeing it in the ground! I have been snapping up this cultivar whenever I see it and popping it…

  • Try hedging with something a bit different: Lomatia myricoides

    Try hedging with something a bit different: Lomatia myricoides

    I have already written about this large native shrub Lomatia myricoides or River or Long-leaf Lomatia, please see the link below. This post is not so much about this Lomatia as a specimen plant but about its potential as a fabulous tall screening shrub. I have found Lomatia myricoides to be extremely versatile in the…

  • The constantly evolving beauty of Ozothamnus diosmifolius

    The constantly evolving beauty of Ozothamnus diosmifolius

    This small to medium native shrub is a hard one to capture both in an image and in words, I have been documenting these three specimens in my garden since they were planted a couple of years ago. It never seemed the right time to photograph them as the flowers are always changing colour and…

  • Try not to dismiss Callistemon ‘White Anzac’

    Try not to dismiss Callistemon ‘White Anzac’

    I have often included this hardy little shrub as one of my least favourite native plants, it can be spotted unkempt in the gardens of petrol stations or nature strips, languishing leggy and forgotten. But if given a little attention it can become a stunning floriferous show stopper! Callistemon ‘White Anzac’ is a low mounding…

  • Bold Blue Tongue: Melastoma affine

    Bold Blue Tongue: Melastoma affine

    The colour of this flower is contentious, is it purple or deep pink? it also looks different in the flesh as opposed to on screen and it comes in a white form. This is Melastoma affine, a medium shrub found naturally in tea tree swamps or on creek edges in our sub tropical and tropical…

  • Luscious, Dense and Green: Xanthostemon chrysanthus

    Luscious, Dense and Green: Xanthostemon chrysanthus

    This showy small to medium tropical tree was flowering its head off on my recent trip to Brisbane and northern NSW. It was such a welcome sight after the damp, soggy Summer we have had, finally a species revelling in all the rain! Xanthostemon chrysanthus is also known as ‘Golden Penda’ and comes in a…

  • The almost native pig face: xDisphyllum ‘Sunburn’

    The almost native pig face: xDisphyllum ‘Sunburn’

    Meet a new addition to the Australian native succulent family, well maybe more a half sibling or cousin, as technically this lovely green pig face is half south African 😳 shock horror! However there are so few Australian succulents I am calling this a native!  xDisphyllum ‘Sunburn’ is a cross between two plant genera, one…

  • Happy National Wattle Day: Acacia binervia ‘Sterling Silver’

    Happy National Wattle Day: Acacia binervia ‘Sterling Silver’

    Spring! if ever there is a seasonal change to bring hope and excitement for the future surely Spring is it? I have been watching the Wattles all Winter long, they have been lovely this year and very appreciated during extended lockdown wanders. But now we have made it to Spring (Hooray) a time for growth…

  • Portfolio: Haberfield Landscape Design

    Portfolio: Haberfield Landscape Design

    The brief for this front garden in Sydney’s inner west was to create a modern native garden which is sympathetic to the era of the house and show cases an Art Deco water feature passed down through the family. The front garden now addresses and interacts with the street and also provides a sense of…

  • A Portrait of a Flower: Hakea francisiana

    A Portrait of a Flower: Hakea francisiana

    Look at this thing! is it not one of the most spectacular flowers you have ever seen? I have been impatiently waiting for this moment in my Hakea francisiana Grafted life cycle since I planted it 6 months ago. It began flowering a couple of weeks ago, just as we went into COVID lockdown again,…

  • But what’s the difference? Banksia spinulosa Dwarfs

    But what’s the difference? Banksia spinulosa Dwarfs

    There are so many different cultivars now of Banksia spinulosa that it is difficult to know which to choose… although they all look similar independently when you see them next to each other whilst they are flowering they really do have different attributes. First up is Banksia spinulosa ‘Coastal Cushions’ this produces shorter golden flowers…

  • Try something exotic! Tecomanthe hillii

    Try something exotic! Tecomanthe hillii

    How non native does this spectacular flower look?! It is the flower of the Fraser Island Vine or Tecomanthe hillii a gentle climber which is endemic to North Eastern Queensland. Tecomanthe hillii enjoys fun sun to part shade in a warm sheltered position. The specimen in these photos is growing on a post underneath a…

  • Low and Large: Grevillea ‘Cooroora Cascade’

    Low and Large: Grevillea ‘Cooroora Cascade’

    This Grevillea ground cover always looks optimistic to me, with its large sunny gold flowers and luscious green fine leaves, it scrambles around the garden filling gaps with its happy go lucky stems. Grevillea ‘Cooroora Cascade’ is a prostrate form of ‘Golden Lyre’ with the same large flower spikes yet scrambles along the ground forming a…

  • Softly softly: Eucalyptus ficifolia ‘Fairy Floss’ Grafted

    Softly softly: Eucalyptus ficifolia ‘Fairy Floss’ Grafted

    These soft, gentle pink flower clusters belong to another grafted Eucalyptus (Corymbia) ficifolia dwarf grafted gum, this sweet small tree is called ‘Fairy Floss’, isn’t the name just perfect? This small feature tree flowers in the warm summer months between December and March like many of the ‘Summer’ series grafted gums. It makes a wonderful…

  • The Greatest Geebung: Persoonia pinifolia

    The Greatest Geebung: Persoonia pinifolia

    Geebungs are a wonderful Genus of native plant, they below in the Proteaceae family like Banksias and possess a variety of flowers, leaves and habits. In fact I have already written about Persoonia pinifolia a couple of years ago, see here.  However since then I have seen them growing outside of their native locality of Sydney…