Spring! if ever there is a seasonal change to bring hope and excitement for the future surely Spring is it? I have been watching the Wattles all Winter long, they have been lovely this year and very appreciated during extended lockdown wanders. But now we have made it to Spring (Hooray) a time for growth and renewal so Happy Wattle Day everyone I hope you all get to smell a Wattle flower this month.

This silver and lemon beauty is Acacia binervia ‘Sterling Silver’, a dwarf shrub form of the Coastal Myall Wattle. Instead of growing into a small tree this will become a sprawling shrub around 2-3 metres wide and around 1.5 metres high.

This particular specimen has only been in the ground a bit over a year and is already cascading over the rockery edge.

Acacia binervia ‘Sterling Silver’ enjoys a full sun to part shade position in a well drained soil and responds well to a light prune to keep it from getting too leggy.

The broad silver leaves are a definite highlight making it an excellent foliage contrast plant in the garden or giving a planting palette a distinctly coastal feel. It is also very wind resistant and will withstand extended periods of drought.

The flowers are like many Acacias being strongly fragrant, they also attract bees and the seed pods will entice seed eating birds like Rosellas. So if you are looking for a quick growing wildlife friendly species to plant on an embankment or rockery which is also a feature when in or out of flower give this wattle a try. And Happy National Wattle Day, I hope you are enjoying the garden, the bush or wanders around your neighbourhood plant spotting 😉
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