Category: Drought hardy

  • The multifaceted Eremophila oppositifolia

    The multifaceted Eremophila oppositifolia

    Eremophila oppositifolia is very deceiving , it appears delicate and a little fussy but in actual fact it is one of the hardiest native shrubs around. Most Eremophila or Emu bush grow naturally in Western and Southern Australia and although they come from area with a Mediterranean climate many of them are quite adaptable in…

  • Outstanding: Grevillea arenaria

    Outstanding: Grevillea arenaria

    This is an outstanding plant for attracting birds, providing nesting habitat, shelter and nectar for honeyeaters and insectivorous birds. George Adams ‘Birdscaping Australian Gardens’ Thanks George I couldn’t have said it any better! I love my copy of the above book and use it all the time, I also love Grevillea arenaria or the Nepean…

  • Plants of the Wallum

    Plants of the Wallum

    I visited the Wallum Banksia in one of it’s natural habitats on North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah) last week. And along with it the many other wildflowers which were opening thier blooms slightly early in the wildflower season. We explored both the Wallum heathlands and the Wallum Woodlands which has been a dream of mine for…

  • There’s nothing quite like Maireana oppositifolia

    There’s nothing quite like Maireana oppositifolia

    There truly is nothing quite like Maireana oppositifolia, the strange and intriguing habit of this silver foliaged beauty is unique. It has a strong upright habit with its branchlets compact and forming points giving it a sculptural affect. In the image below you can see standing strong behind the Eremophila ‘Kalbarri Carpet’. Because of its…

  • Another top Paperbark: Melaleuca viridiflora ‘Burgundy Weeper’

    Another top Paperbark: Melaleuca viridiflora ‘Burgundy Weeper’

    It has been a  paperbark appreciation month for me, I love Melaleuca’s as they will grow so easily in difficult heavy soils and their flowers are rich in nectar for birds and bees alike. Melaleuca viridiflora ‘Burgundy Weeper’ is no exception, it covers itself in deep reddish purple flowers attracting honey eaters and bees. Above…

  • The little known Banksia ericifolia ‘Little Eric’

    The little known Banksia ericifolia ‘Little Eric’

    Banksias all over Australia are hitting their flowering stride this season, from Autumn until Spring is when most Banksia species will be covered in nectar rich flower spikes. Most people are familiar with the Dwarf Banksia spinulosa cultivars like ‘Birthday Candles’ and ‘Coastal Cushions’. This post is a little shout out to a lesser know…

  • The Invaluable Grevillea ‘Dorothy gordon’

    The Invaluable Grevillea ‘Dorothy gordon’

    I struggle a little with some of the Large flowering Grevilleas, they tend to attract the more aggressive nectar feeding birds like Rainbow Lorikeets and Noisy Miners. These birds then tend to dominate the garden scaring away the smaller more timid birds. However I do make an exception for a hand full of large flowering…

  • Soft and Foamy Grevillea’Seaspray’

    Soft and Foamy Grevillea’Seaspray’

    Generally I am drawn to plants which are tactile and gentle, whether that be a weeping habit, furry leaf or light breezy foliage. By nature many of our Australian native plants have a grey or silver leaf, which helps them withstand extreme heat or salty sea air, this type of leaf I love as it…

  • the always blooming Grevillea × semperflorens

    the always blooming Grevillea × semperflorens

    This is a little known Grevillea Hybrid which has been around for a long time, I have never really understood why this Grevillea isn’t more widely used. It is highly ornamental and spends much of the year in flower. In fact semperflorens actually means always blooming. It is a hrybrid between G. thelemanniana and a yellow-flowered…

  • for lovers of purple:Melaleuca nesophila

    for lovers of purple:Melaleuca nesophila

    I must admit purple is not one of my favourite colours and when clients specify purple flowers I often come up a blank and can only think of Hardenbergia, which is completely ridiculous as there are Brachyscome, Scaevola, Patersonia and soooo many Melaleucas have purple flowers, silly me. This one is one of my favourites…

  • Another striking Australian Ornamental Grass: Austrostipa verticillata

    Another striking Australian Ornamental Grass: Austrostipa verticillata

    I saw this species of Austrostipa growing in Canberra a few weeks back, and photographed it thinking it was Austrostipa ramosissima. However, on closer inspection I realised it was a native grass which I hadn’t come across before, how exciting! a newbie to add to my native ornamental grass planting palette. After much research I…

  • What a Summer for Corymbia ficifolia!

    What a Summer for Corymbia ficifolia!

    This Summer of 2023 – 2024 has been extremely kind to out flowering gums, enabling them to put on a prolific show Australia wide. I’m not sure what has made them so happy, it could be adequate moisture whilst they are budding up or enough heat in the sun to make the blooms pop, whatever…

  • Hide it with Hibbertia scandens

    Hide it with Hibbertia scandens

    Hibbertia scandens or Guinea Flower is one of the most hardy and useful native plants I know of. It can be used as a ground cover, a low shrub, climber or it can even be pruned and shaped into lovely topiary shapes. In the images of this post I used it as a screening species…

  • Two top Thomasias: Thomasia macrocarpa and Thomasia solanacea

    Two top Thomasias: Thomasia macrocarpa and Thomasia solanacea

    Thomasia is a native shrub species which can be found largely in the south of Western Australia, like many of the species located in that area of Australia it is quite adaptable. For some reason all of this genus is endowed with showy, textured foliage like few other native species, making them a wonderful edition…

  • Privacy with punch: Leptospermum lanigerum ‘Seclusion’

    Privacy with punch: Leptospermum lanigerum ‘Seclusion’

    Please meet Leptospermum ‘Seclusion’ which I am finding to be an outstanding native screening plant, originally I admit to buying it for its intriguing cultivar name ‘Seclusion’, who doesn’t want that in their garden right? It also has a classic favourite colour combination of mine which is grey leaves with pink flowers, and what a…

  • Phenomenal Phebaliums: the delicate blooms of Phebalium nottii and squamulosum

    Phenomenal Phebaliums: the delicate blooms of Phebalium nottii and squamulosum

    I am a long time fan of the Phebalium genus, these small to large shrubs which belong in the Rutaceae family can be found growing over much of the south and east coast of Australia. However Phebalium squamulosum is an extremely variable species which means it contains a number of forms and subspecies. So I must…

  • Happy Wattle Day: The Ever useful Acacia fimbriata

    Happy Wattle Day: The Ever useful Acacia fimbriata

    The 1st of September is not only the first day of Spring, but it is also National Wattle Day! So if you have any flowering in your garden, cut off a sprig for a jar or pin it to your chest with pride. It has been a very mild Winter so welcoming Spring doesn’t feel…

  • The Mediterranean flavour of Grevillea olivacea

    The Mediterranean flavour of Grevillea olivacea

    Grevillea olivacea is considered a fast growing native shrub for dry conditions, with its dense habit it is the perfect screening plant to block out any building, street or fence. I use it for its grey foliage and small spider flowers, because spider flowering Grevilleas are my favourites! I also like to incorporate it into…

  • The adaptable possibilities of: Banksia plagiocarpa

    The adaptable possibilities of: Banksia plagiocarpa

    This Banksia not only has beautiful flowers but also eye-catching bright red new growth that is covered in tiny hairs giving it a velvety texture, similar to the new growth on Banksia robur. Banksia plagiocarpa has great ornamental potential in the garden, as it can be grown a a large shrub or can be shaped…

  • Light it up: Grevillea lanigera ‘Mellow Yellow’

    Light it up: Grevillea lanigera ‘Mellow Yellow’

    I have mass planted Grevillea ‘Mellow Yellow in a semi shaded position in my garden and have been surprised at its tenacity and ability to cover its self in blooms for an extended period of time. The small striking spider like flowers appeared in Summer and are showing no sign of slowing down as we…

  • Native plants in the Melbourne City Streetscape

    Native plants in the Melbourne City Streetscape

    This post is all about praising the plant selection used in the ‘Grey to Green’ project in the City of Melbourne. Much of the plant palate features native species, and on a recent tour I was so impressed with the combinations and utilisation of these species that I felt the need to share some photos…

  • Try hedging with something a bit different: Lomatia myricoides

    Try hedging with something a bit different: Lomatia myricoides

    I have already written about this large native shrub Lomatia myricoides or River or Long-leaf Lomatia, please see the link below. This post is not so much about this Lomatia as a specimen plant but about its potential as a fabulous tall screening shrub. I have found Lomatia myricoides to be extremely versatile in the…

  • Emu Bush Challenge No. 10: Eremophila ‘Meringur Crimson’

    Emu Bush Challenge No. 10: Eremophila ‘Meringur Crimson’

    And so it continues … documenting my Eremophila discoveries, I will get to 12 one day! As we approach the end of another La Niña Summer, where heavy downpours are common and the humidity is high, it is a great chance to reflect on hardy, flexible native plants. Amongst the surprises are many species of Eremophilas…

  • Australian Native Plants in Japan

    Australian Native Plants in Japan

    It was inevitable that I wouldn’t be able to turn off my native plant nerd brain whilst overseas in Japan last month…. I tried, I really did. I took photos of Japanese plants, seed pods and flowers and researched after visiting the gardens and temples. BUT every Australian plant seemed to call out to me…