Try not to dismiss Callistemon ‘White Anzac’

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I have often included this hardy little shrub as one of my least favourite native plants, it can be spotted unkempt in the gardens of petrol stations or nature strips, languishing leggy and forgotten. But if given a little attention it can become a stunning floriferous show stopper!

Callistemon ‘White Anzac’

Callistemon ‘White Anzac’ is a low mounding shrub growing between 1/2 a metre and 1 metre high by 1 to 1.5 wide. It is essential that it is given a decent prune after flowering, this can happen twice per year, in Summer and Autumn.

Callistemon ‘White Anzac’

The large white bottlebrush flowers attract birds and bees alike, and because of the dense nature of the shrub small birds will also use it as a habitat plant. It can withstand temporary inundation and heavy clay soils, grows well in part shade to full sun and is forgiving in a dry summer.

Callistemon ‘White Anzac’ and Callistemon ‘Great Balls of Fire’

In the image above you can see ‘White Anzac’ paired with ‘Great Balls of Fire’, another fantastic Callistemon cultivar however it doesn’t flower. ‘White Anzac’ makes an excellent low hedge or garden border plant, it can also be used in smaller gardens and tight spaces with limited soil profile.

Callistemon ‘White Anzac’

So there is really no excuse for this bottlebrush to look shabby, as long as it gets a regular hard prune it will reward you and the wildlife with ample flowers without too much fuss.


6 responses to “Try not to dismiss Callistemon ‘White Anzac’”

  1. Lee

    Hi there

    Am loving my white Anzac but it is starting to spread and needs a ‘hard prune’.

    Could you provide more detail on how to prune to form a dense shape, in particular where?

    Is it possible to propagate white Anzac?

    Thank you!!

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Lee,
      They respond well to a hard prune, trim back to the size you want. Yes you can propogate ‘White Anzac’ sounds like you will have plenty of cuttings to use.
      Hope this helps,

  2. John

    Hello Kath,
    I learned a lot from your article. Mine were overwhelmed by intrusive kikuyu which I am rectifying. I’m planning to use river pebbles as a mulch. Mine are at the bottom of a slope and get heaps of winter/spring rain which they love. Will laying river pebbles be useful to quell the weed growth without impacting the growth of my White Anzacs? Would appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi John,
      If you are laying river pebbles you will need to roll out a layer of Geotextile Filter fabric to suppress the weeds or they will be popping through in no time.
      Hope that helps,

  3. John

    Can I please ask where these photos were taken? I am looking to create a formal hedge of callistemon and would love to see how this has continued to be displayed at this location.

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi John,
      If I remember correctly these photos were taken at the UOW innovation campus in North Wollongong.
      All the best,

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