There are so many Lilly Pillys around, different cultivars, that apparently grow faster, thicker, thinner, redder and so on, they are used for hedging everywhere (which is great, far better than Murraya) and can be a little over done. This one is Syzygium wilsonii and it is amazing for a few reasons, firstly it has the most stunning pink new growth, big fat fleshy leaves that droop down and look very exotic and are showy enough to brighten up a dark corner.
Secondly it will grow in deep shade and still put out amazing bright pink powder puff flowers, and last but not least it has a wonderful weeping habit making it a perfect feature tree or shrub OR a great height for fence screening as seen below.
This one was so weeping it was spilling over the raised bed it was planted in, they can be shaped to have a trunk and look more like a tree and will also grow in full sun if water is adequate.
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