There are so many Lilly Pillys around, different cultivars, that apparently grow faster, thicker, thinner, redder and so on, they are used for hedging everywhere (which is great, far better than Murraya) and can be a little over done. This one is Syzygium wilsonii and it is amazing for a few reasons, firstly it has the most stunning pink new growth, big fat fleshy leaves that droop down and look very exotic and are showy enough to brighten up a dark corner.

Secondly it will grow in deep shade and still put out amazing bright pink powder puff flowers, and last but not least it has a wonderful weeping habit making it a perfect feature tree or shrub OR a great height for fence screening as seen below.


This one was so weeping it was spilling over the raised bed it was planted in, they can be shaped to have a trunk and look more like a tree and will also grow in full sun if water is adequate.


10 responses to “Shady Lilly Pilly: Syzygium wilsonii”


    Hello. Great little write up on the shady lilly pilly. Just wondering if those lovely little flowers might drop needles everywhere when the wind blows ? Thanks

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Tony,

      If you mean the stamens on the Lilly pilly flower? then yes, these fluffy flowers will drop at some point…



  2. Dennis Foote

    Do they fruit,and if so,is the fruit edible

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Dennis,

      Yes they do fruit but the fruits are white rather than the deep pinks we think of in most Lilly Pilly’s. I am not sure about S. wilsonii’s edibility. Several online sources say that they can be eaten but that they are quite sour raw. If you want to give them a go I would try cooking/stewing them with some sugar first perhaps.

      Let me know how you go,

  3. Ross

    Would it provide shade over a dine-at table placed close to its trunk? If not would another type of lilli pilli do so?

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Ross,
      The Syzygium wilsonii does not like full sun, so would not be a good choice to provide shade, perhaps look at another Lilly Pilly, if you have one in mind let me know.

  4. Grazyna Ogrodzka-Wozniak

    Is the Syzygium Wilsonii good for the hedging in Perth WA?

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Grazyna,
      No this one would not be good for Perth, it is a rain forest plant, that needs a lot of moisture. Its also not a very dense plant.

  5. Geoff

    Hi, I was wondering if this plant would be suitable as a hedge to plant approximately three metres from a swimming pool or are they too messy.

  6. Barry Buffier

    Is it Phyllid resistant and how high will it grow in good shaded position? How far apart should I plant to crest a hedgr

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