I use this handy little native grass alot in my designs. It looks wonderful mass planted in a shady position and when it begins to flower in Winter it brings a welcome highlight to a dark corner. The flowers last several months and can carry on into Spring. It does prefer part shade and can become a little yellow in full sun. This small grass is reasonably low maintenance and only needs a tidy up after the flowers are spent.
However it does like fairly constant moisture and I have had it turn its toes up after extended periods of humid heat. Looks great mass planted and with other shade loving grasses like Lomandra hystrix and Moraea robinsoniana, so if you have a shady spot that needs a lift its worth a try.

A very pretty plant to see weeping in the wind. Perfect as a border plant attracting butterflies and other insects. Would also suit a garden with children observing nature.

Long strappy leaves contrasting beautifully with the 3 petal white flowers

Showing the full habit here in a garden, the glossy leaves and white flowers in clumps. If it does get scraggly it can be cut back and will re-shoot from underground rhizomes.

Libertia paniculata in a low clumping grass getting to about 40cm to 60cm high and the same wide, it can spread by rhizome or seed quite easily, its flowers quite prolifically with these pretty white miniature orchid like flower spikes.
Tolerates light frost as well being shade tolerant.
Growing naturally in warm temperate rainforest and wet forests, on enriched soils.

I have heard that propagation is relatively easy from seed, these can be collected after flowering period.

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