Category: Natives for containers

  • Shade-loving Ornamental Grass: Libertia paniculata

    Shade-loving Ornamental Grass: Libertia paniculata

    I use this handy little native grass alot in my designs. It looks wonderful mass planted in a shady position and when it begins to flower in Winter it brings a welcome highlight to a dark corner. The flowers last several months and can carry on into Spring. It does prefer part shade and can…

  • some very impressive Epacris

    some very impressive Epacris

    Epacris are simply delightful at this time of year, their long prickly stems get covered in dense clusters of small bell flowers, brightening any dull Winter day. There are many different Epacris species and they can be found growing as an under-storey in heathland in NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia, often on damp sandstone…

  • There’s nothing quite like Maireana oppositifolia

    There’s nothing quite like Maireana oppositifolia

    There truly is nothing quite like Maireana oppositifolia, the strange and intriguing habit of this silver foliaged beauty is unique. It has a strong upright habit with its branchlets compact and forming points giving it a sculptural affect. In the image below you can see standing strong behind the Eremophila ‘Kalbarri Carpet’. Because of its…

  • The little known Banksia ericifolia ‘Little Eric’

    The little known Banksia ericifolia ‘Little Eric’

    Banksias all over Australia are hitting their flowering stride this season, from Autumn until Spring is when most Banksia species will be covered in nectar rich flower spikes. Most people are familiar with the Dwarf Banksia spinulosa cultivars like ‘Birthday Candles’ and ‘Coastal Cushions’. This post is a little shout out to a lesser know…

  • The glossy leafed Eupomatia laurina

    The glossy leafed Eupomatia laurina

    This ancient flowering plant has a fossil record of 120 million years, it’s primitive flowers are a legacy from Gondwana. Isn’t that mind blowing!? The perfumed, glossy screen tree with edible fruits is the perfect addition to a bush food garden. My Mum has a Eupomatia laurina in her garden that is flowering at the…

  • Phenomenal Phebaliums: the delicate blooms of Phebalium nottii and squamulosum

    Phenomenal Phebaliums: the delicate blooms of Phebalium nottii and squamulosum

    I am a long time fan of the Phebalium genus, these small to large shrubs which belong in the Rutaceae family can be found growing over much of the south and east coast of Australia. However Phebalium squamulosum is an extremely variable species which means it contains a number of forms and subspecies. So I must…

  • The Bronze Highlights of Gymnostoma australianum

    The Bronze Highlights of Gymnostoma australianum

    This almost Christmas like tree is part of the Casuarina family, at first glance can look like a conifer or pine tree, but fuller in habit. Its overall texture and colour is very similar to She Oaks when they are flowering, which is probably why this specimen caught me eye. The male and female flowers…

  • Light it up: Grevillea lanigera ‘Mellow Yellow’

    Light it up: Grevillea lanigera ‘Mellow Yellow’

    I have mass planted Grevillea ‘Mellow Yellow in a semi shaded position in my garden and have been surprised at its tenacity and ability to cover its self in blooms for an extended period of time. The small striking spider like flowers appeared in Summer and are showing no sign of slowing down as we…

  • Australian Native Plants in Japan

    Australian Native Plants in Japan

    It was inevitable that I wouldn’t be able to turn off my native plant nerd brain whilst overseas in Japan last month…. I tried, I really did. I took photos of Japanese plants, seed pods and flowers and researched after visiting the gardens and temples. BUT every Australian plant seemed to call out to me…

  • Native Nurseries Across Australia

    Native Nurseries Across Australia

    This is a collection of nurseries I’ve visited, bought from and love. I’ve written about some of my favourite Native Nurseries in blogposts before but it’s handy to have one reference list to come back to isn’t it?! It’s by no means exhaustive and I encourage you to get in touch with local growers when…

  • The almost native pig face: xDisphyllum ‘Sunburn’

    The almost native pig face: xDisphyllum ‘Sunburn’

    Meet a new addition to the Australian native succulent family, well maybe more a half sibling or cousin, as technically this lovely green pig face is half south African 😳 shock horror! However there are so few Australian succulents I am calling this a native!  xDisphyllum ‘Sunburn’ is a cross between two plant genera, one…

  • World Bee Day: Plant Three for the Bees!

    World Bee Day: Plant Three for the Bees!

    Today is World Bee Day and the slogan of ‘Plant Three for the Bees’ is like a call to action! Anyone with an outdoor space can plant three bee friendly plants, even if they are in pots or containers. Calling all gardeners, please think of our important pollinators when selecting plants for your outdoor space.…

  • But what’s the difference? Banksia spinulosa Dwarfs

    But what’s the difference? Banksia spinulosa Dwarfs

    There are so many different cultivars now of Banksia spinulosa that it is difficult to know which to choose… although they all look similar independently when you see them next to each other whilst they are flowering they really do have different attributes. First up is Banksia spinulosa ‘Coastal Cushions’ this produces shorter golden flowers…

  • Finger Limes loving the shade – Citrus australasica

    Finger Limes loving the shade – Citrus australasica

    My friend has the magic touch when it comes to growing all things edible and so of course her fingers limes are abundant in the Autumn 🤩. She has two varieties one is Citrus australasica ‘Rainforest Pearl’, a grafted form. Which in my humble opinion is the sweetest and juiciest of them all and the…

  • A flower within a flower within a flower … Hoya australis

    A flower within a flower within a flower … Hoya australis

    I find this one of the most curious flowers from our native vine species, it is a large highly perfumed umbel of tiny wax like flowers which is almost fractal like, I could look at it for hours. The leaves are thick and fleshy and a little like a succulent leaf and the vines stem…

  • Growing Natives Indoors

    Growing Natives Indoors

    I love indoor plants, which are known to improve our sense of wellbeing, the quality of the air inside, and give us a connection to nature. Most of us aren’t aware of the array of Australian natives that could be used indoors and replace the bucketloads of exotics commonly marketed at nurseries. Inside, plants generally…

  • Try something exotic! Tecomanthe hillii

    Try something exotic! Tecomanthe hillii

    How non native does this spectacular flower look?! It is the flower of the Fraser Island Vine or Tecomanthe hillii a gentle climber which is endemic to North Eastern Queensland. Tecomanthe hillii enjoys fun sun to part shade in a warm sheltered position. The specimen in these photos is growing on a post underneath a…

  • Trialling Online Native Nurseries

    Trialling Online Native Nurseries

    Well, we are in an extended lockdown again and it of course has resulted in more online shopping than I would normally do🤪 For me this also includes buying plants online again so I have an extra online nursery to tell you about and add to this blog post list. These beautiful Poa ‘Suggan Buggan’…

  • Landscaping with Dwarf Kangaroo Paws: Anigozanthos ‘Bush Pearl’

    Landscaping with Dwarf Kangaroo Paws: Anigozanthos ‘Bush Pearl’

    I couldn’t help myself when I was in Canberra last month at the Botanic Gardens, before I even considered what I was doing I was snapping away at these Anigozanthos ‘Bush Pearl’. They just looked so stunning in the foggy morning light, dry out from the Winter frost but punchy as ever. Generally I am…

  • Portfolio: West Wollongong Revisit

    Portfolio: West Wollongong Revisit

    The images in this blog post were taken of a local garden I designed a few years ago which has been filling out beautifully. The requested privacy is beginning to really take shape, the front garden has been reclaimed as a relaxing outdoor space which can be utilised more often by critters and humans alike.…

  • Low and Large: Grevillea ‘Cooroora Cascade’

    Low and Large: Grevillea ‘Cooroora Cascade’

    This Grevillea ground cover always looks optimistic to me, with its large sunny gold flowers and luscious green fine leaves, it scrambles around the garden filling gaps with its happy go lucky stems. Grevillea ‘Cooroora Cascade’ is a prostrate form of ‘Golden Lyre’ with the same large flower spikes yet scrambles along the ground forming a…

  • Are native plants really drought tolerant? Casuarina ‘Cousin It’

    Are native plants really drought tolerant? Casuarina ‘Cousin It’

    When someone tells you they want a drought tolerant garden, what comes to mind? or you may be told a certain plant is ‘water wise’ what does this really mean? As the current drought wears on and wears thin and watering your garden becomes something you can only do under strict regulations many people are looking…

  • It’s that time of year again! Banksia ‘Coastal Cushions’

    It’s that time of year again! Banksia ‘Coastal Cushions’

    It’s my favourite time of year again Autumn! Hooray! goodbye humidity, I will not miss you and neither will my favourite native plants. Autumn is also wonderful because the Banksias are budding up or out already and everywhere I go lately one particular dwarf Banksia is catching my eye, Banksia spinulosa ‘Coastal Cushions’. This post…

  • Expert Grass Tree advice!

    Expert Grass Tree advice!

    My favourite supplier for Grass Trees is located on the Northern NSW coast they are called Bruinsma Grass Trees and stock lovely healthy specimens, however that is not all they do… They also follow up and offer excellent advice through their newsletter and love talking about growing this iconic sometimes mystifying Australian native. Below I…