Category: Ornamental grass

  • Shade-loving Ornamental Grass: Libertia paniculata

    Shade-loving Ornamental Grass: Libertia paniculata

    I use this handy little native grass alot in my designs. It looks wonderful mass planted in a shady position and when it begins to flower in Winter it brings a welcome highlight to a dark corner. The flowers last several months and can carry on into Spring. It does prefer part shade and can…

  • Another striking Australian Ornamental Grass: Austrostipa verticillata

    Another striking Australian Ornamental Grass: Austrostipa verticillata

    I saw this species of Austrostipa growing in Canberra a few weeks back, and photographed it thinking it was Austrostipa ramosissima. However, on closer inspection I realised it was a native grass which I hadn’t come across before, how exciting! a newbie to add to my native ornamental grass planting palette. After much research I…

  • Native plants in the Melbourne City Streetscape

    Native plants in the Melbourne City Streetscape

    This post is all about praising the plant selection used in the ‘Grey to Green’ project in the City of Melbourne. Much of the plant palate features native species, and on a recent tour I was so impressed with the combinations and utilisation of these species that I felt the need to share some photos…

  • Kangaroo Paw Care – Get the Pruners Out!

    Kangaroo Paw Care – Get the Pruners Out!

    The Kangaroo Paws in this Bundeena garden are a rainbow of colour, they were planted three years ago in a swathe to test Angus Stewarts ‘Anigozanthos ‘Landscape series’ range. They have a striking effect mass planted and it was a delight to go back and visit them in full bloom a couple of weeks ago.…

  • A tough and useful Bushfood: Lomandra longifolia

    A tough and useful Bushfood: Lomandra longifolia

    Lomandra longifolia, or Common Mat Rush, is abundant along the NSW coast growing and in SA, Victoria and Tasmania in a range of environments from coastal dunes to dry Sclerophyll forest. It can also be seen growing in median strips and petrol station garden beds 😉 Little do most people know it is also a tasty…

  • Most Memorable Planting Combinations at the National Arboretum

    Most Memorable Planting Combinations at the National Arboretum

    Every time I visit our nations lovely Capital I seem to find myself at the National Arboretum, by default I manage to eke out at least half an hour to check in on some of my favourite plantings. I have posted previously about two of these species but when I was looking over my photos…

  • My Favourite Poa: Poa ‘Suggan Buggan’

    My Favourite Poa: Poa ‘Suggan Buggan’

    Since discovering this super blue grey form of Poa labillardieri I have been throwing it around with gay abandon 😉 my love for native grasses and Poas in particular is something which is pretty obvious when you see some of my designs. They are soft and weeping, quick growing and hardy and make a wonderful…

  • Portfolio: Helensburgh Consult

    Portfolio: Helensburgh Consult

    Front gardens play such an important role in most streetscapes but especially in suburbia where the repetition of built form and front lawns can become almost claustrophobic. These clients wanted something different to look out on from inside of their home but also a welcoming garden on arrival home from work. The new native garden…

  • Portfolio: Gardening in Wind

    Portfolio: Gardening in Wind

    This is my sisters garden on ‘Windy Hill’ as we like to call it, it gets so windy here the rubbish bins get blown down the street, gates are blown off their hinges and plants find it tough! Her front garden bears the brunt of the Westerlies and southerlies and used to be bare lawn…

  • Instagram #INeedABirdbathHere Winner and Entries!

    Instagram #INeedABirdbathHere Winner and Entries!

    We’ve been simply blown away by the beautiful garden entries we received in our most recent birdbath competition #INeedABirdbathHere. We asked our followers to send us photos of their gardens for the chance to win a Freshly Spun Medium Copper Dish and couldn’t be happier with the result. It’s always inspiring to see wonderful native…

  • Portfolio: Haberfield Landscape Design

    Portfolio: Haberfield Landscape Design

    The brief for this front garden in Sydney’s inner west was to create a modern native garden which is sympathetic to the era of the house and show cases an Art Deco water feature passed down through the family. The front garden now addresses and interacts with the street and also provides a sense of…

  • Portfolio: St Ives Landscape Design

    Portfolio: St Ives Landscape Design

    This garden in the leafy north shore suburb of St Ives was designed last year and built only 7 months ago, by Ash from ‘Living on the Hedge’. Part of the brief for this garden was to have plenty of year round flowers for bees and birds and given these photos have been taken in…

  • Portfolio: Bundeena Tree House

    Portfolio: Bundeena Tree House

    This an amazing house which spills over a sandstone outcrop and is placed underneath a giant fig tree. It is sheltered by a stand of Casuarinas and hidden from the street by its rapidly growing native garden. The garden has been in for a couple of years and benefitted greatly from our recent wet Summer.…

  • Portfolio: Jamberoo Consults

    Portfolio: Jamberoo Consults

    I have been visiting this rural property on and off for the last 3 years, each time providing the client with onsite sketch designs for different areas of the expansive garden. Working on this garden has been an absolute pleasure and I look forward to each new stage. The client has a knack for collecting…

  • Portfolio: Stanmore Landscape Design

    Portfolio: Stanmore Landscape Design

    This small garden in the inner west of Sydney is a sight to behold after the recent rains. It is hard to believe that most of these plants have only been in for 6 months, that is the beauty of gardening with native grasses, they fill out so quickly and provide structure and form in…

  • Potfolio: Ashfield Revisit

    Potfolio: Ashfield Revisit

    I was very excited to be asked back to one of my favourite clients, to do a design for the rear of her property, it also meant I was able to have a proper nosey at the establishment of the front garden. This garden is a very good example of the 3 to 4 year timeframe…

  • The flexible Pennisetum alopecuroides

    The flexible Pennisetum alopecuroides

    Pennisetum alopecuroides is a striking native grass that makes a bold statement planted independently, as a border, backdrop or en masse. This is commonly know as Foxtail grass not to be confused with the South African Pennesetum which has become a weed in some parts of Australia. However, in some parts of Australia this native grass…

  • Expert Grass Tree advice!

    Expert Grass Tree advice!

    My favourite supplier for Grass Trees is located on the Northern NSW coast they are called Bruinsma Grass Trees and stock lovely healthy specimens, however that is not all they do… They also follow up and offer excellent advice through their newsletter and love talking about growing this iconic sometimes mystifying Australian native. Below I…

  • Mallee Specials @ Collectors Plant Fair 2018

    Mallee Specials @ Collectors Plant Fair 2018

    During this year’s Collectors Plant Fair we will be offering a 10% discount on all birdbaths and spun copper dishes purchased and picked up from our stall! If you would like to pre-order anything for pick up from the fair on that weekend please get in touch by Thursday the 5th of April. We will also be…

  • The happiest Daisy: Pycnosorus globosus

    The happiest Daisy: Pycnosorus globosus

    Billy Buttons is a native daisy with an immense power to make anyone smile, there is something about its large bright yellow ball flowers standing to attention in a showy clump that is irresistable. To top it off it has lovely furry silver grass like leaves and flowers from early spring into late Summer. Billy…

  • Soft and Elegant Ornamental Grass: Stipa ramosissima

    Soft and Elegant Ornamental Grass: Stipa ramosissima

    I adore this native grass (Stipa ramosissima), it is a local Illawarra species and I have found it hard to source but whenever I find it somewhere I grab a few as I can find a home for them in no time! I do apologise for the glut of photos in this post but I would…

  • Portfolio: Garden Design Ashfield

    Portfolio: Garden Design Ashfield

    Dear Kath, the garden is beautiful and makes me very happy These are the words that I love to hear and is how this client describes her garden, and I can’t ask for anything more from a garden. This garden was built in December 2015 please see this link for details and this is my first…

  • Poa I love You!

    Poa I love You!

    I can’t believe I have taken so long to write a blog post dedicated to one of my favourite grasses Poa! One of the most under rated and under utilised grasses in garden design. Now not everyone is a lover of Australian native grasses and that is OK, it takes a certain breed to love…

  • Tufted Herbs: Patersonia sericea

    Tufted Herbs: Patersonia sericea

    I need to admit I am not very competent when it comes to recognising and utilising Australian tufted perennial herby plants in a garden. For some reason I get the Theliomenas confused with the Thysanotus and the Sowerbaea and with Arthropodium! All are beautiful and all are grass like with wonderful prominent flowers poking their heads…