It’s National Wattle Day! Hooray! the time of the year when the Acacias are telling us warmer weather is on the way, I mean I have had flowering Wattles in my garden all Winter long 🤨 …..anyhooo it’s a great time of year to look around and take in all the different species and forms in this fantastic Genus.

One of the Acacias to catch my eye this year is this low shrub form of Acacia leprosa, it doesn’t have the showy red ball flowers of ‘Scarlet Blaze’ but it does have a wonderful habit. It can be seen here spilling over a retaining wall.

The large lemon yellow ball flowers appear in late Winter to early spring and attract the bees and other pollinating insects.

Acacia leprosa ‘Weeping Form’ will grow to around 1 metre high by 2 metres wide. It likes to grow in a well drained soil in full sun to pert shade and really doesn’t cope well with humid Summers.

The luscious foliage is created by many fine arching branches of lime green leaves with a tiny red tip. It responds well to pruning to encourage a dense habit and enjoys a deep water, in extended dry periods, around its root zone.
I hope you manage to find some Wattle to appreciate on this glorious first day of Spring!
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