Chorilaena quercifolia: Another WA toughie

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I can’t help myself, I seem always to be drawn to the unique foliage and flowers of the native plants which grow naturally in Western Australia. Which then leads me to buy many grafted native plants or grow them in pots or try the ‘see how she goes’ test in my garden.

Chorilaena quercifolia

This is Chorilaena quercifolia and it has easily passed the ‘see how she goes’ test both in my garden and in friends, family and clients, it is a truly wonderful addition to any garden, native or exotic.

Chorilaena quercifolia

Chorilaena quercifolia grows naturally in Southern Western Australia under the canopy of the Karri trees, making it perfectly comfortable in dry shade. IT grows anywhere from 1m to 3 metres high and the same spread, although there are dwarf varieties available.

Chorilaena quercifolia

The furry oak leaf leaves are what first attracted me to this shrub, it belongs to the Rutaceae Family, where many of the species have hairy leaves and small drooping flowers.

Chorilaena quercifolia

As I was drawn to the foliage first the flowers were an added bonus, and what a bonus they are! They appear in late Winter and can last for 6 months or more. The thing I like most about them is the way they come out red first and then age to a pale cream colour, this gives the the shrub an extra highlight and although the flowers are quite small they become noticeable because of their number.

Chorilaena quercifolia

Small nectar feeding birds are attracted to the flowers and as the shrub is quite dense it can also serve as a refuge and habitat plant.

Chorilaena quercifolia

Chorilaena quercifolia responds well to pruning and has so far survived extended periods of humidity in my garden. It is also reasonably frost tolerant as I first saw it in the National Botanic Gardens in Canberra and also growing in a garden on Bruny Island in Tasmania.


4 responses to “Chorilaena quercifolia: Another WA toughie”

  1. Kate

    Beautiful! I love so many plants from WA but I’ve not had much success on the NSW central coast so far. I’m a new gardener so it could very well be me.

  2. David

    Growing very nicely here in Ballarat on a bit of imported volcanic soil over our Ordovician clay. On the south side of the house, so shaded from all but morning and evening sun. I’ve also seen a fine shaped specimen at Melbourne’s Cranbourne RBG. Deserves to be more widely grown – in a mixed planting of natives and exotics it looks fine with both.

  3. Kathy

    I saw your post about Chorilaena quercifolia and was excited to be able to buy one at the recent Native Plant Expo in Eltham at the Ironstone Park Nursery stall. The only one he had has white stamens with a green hood (sorry don’t have correct terminology!) I also saw that Kuranga has them too.
    Mine is growing really well and although still small has many flowers, so thank you for inspiring me to investigate this beautiful plant.
    I’d love to know where you got this red flowering version? No one else here in Melbourne has the red and I’d love to plant this too. Any ideas? Where did you get yours?

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Kathy,
      Mine is from Sydney Wildflower Nursery. You could try Orths Nursery in Vic. Hope that helps.
      Happy planting,

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