A true carpeting ground cover: Pratia pedunculata

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This is a native ground cover which sometimes gets classed as a steppable (not a real word ;)), meaning it works well between steppers and pavers and can be walked on occasionally without too much fuss. I like to use it mixed with other low growing ground covers like Dichondra and native violet to get a mix of colour and texture but it can also look quite stunning mass planted.

Pratia pedunculata

Pratia looks great growing over rocks and gravel and works well in a minimal Japanese style garden.

Pratia pedunculata

It grows by rhizome so therefore spreads easily into nooks and crannies, make it an excellent choice for steep sites and embankments. However, this also gives it the capability to possibly spread into areas where it is not wanted.

Pratia pedunculata

Pratia pedunculata likes a moist well drained soil but can withstand short periods of dryness and temporary inundation.

Pratia pedunculata

The tiny star like flowers appear in Spring and can last for 6 months or so as long as it is getting adequate sun. The dense matt forming leaves stay low, hugging the ground. This ground cover is best bought in a tile, which can then be divided up into smaller plants which can be squeezed into tight corners or wedged between pavers. It doesn’t like drying out completely so keep the water up to it over extended dry periods.


10 responses to “A true carpeting ground cover: Pratia pedunculata”

  1. Meg

    We have recently relocated to Wollongong along with whatever native plants we could bring with us, including this beautiful ground cover which is next in the queue for planting out in our new hillside garden.

    Lovely to see your photos displaying exactly what we are hoping ours will one day look like.

    Thank you! 🙂

  2. Pauline Quince

    Would this plant not flourish in the Wollongong heat?
    I have just bought one for the English weather

    1. Kath Gadd

      Yes, as long as it is kept moist.



  3. Sally

    Would this do well in Hobart Tasmania?

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Sally, this one tolerates a light frost so would depend how much frost you get. Woodbridge nursery in Tasmania sells this on their website, let us know how you get on if you end up planting.
      Happy planting,

  4. Nat

    Hello Kath, would Pratia Pedunculata be ok in clay soil ? Its a huge backyard in Blacktown/Sydney with heavy clay soil – and we’re looking for a lawn alternative.

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Nat, the Pratia would grow ok in clay soil as long as it is well drained. As a lawn substitute it might not be very successful unless foot traffic is kept to an absolute minimum.


  5. Catherine

    Hello Kath,
    How would the Pratia survive beside a swimming pool? We’ve tried diachondra but it’s not growing well.

  6. Donna

    Hi, I’ve been growing pratia in between spaced pavers for the last 2 years. It’s been a slow process, but is almost complete. In the last 2 weeks, I have noticed small patches dying off. At first I thought more watering was needed, coming into warm weather & in full sun, no luck, continued to die, then thought might be too much watering, still no luck. Is there something like lawn grub that might be killing it?

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Donna,
      Pratia does like moisture but also likes well drained soil, is there a possibility that the soil has become compacted? It is quite hardy so I wouldn’t immediately suspect a pest.
      Hope that helps,

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