The happiest Daisy: Pycnosorus globosus

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Billy Buttons is a native daisy with an immense power to make anyone smile, there is something about its large bright yellow ball flowers standing to attention in a showy clump that is irresistable.

To top it off it has lovely furry silver grass like leaves and flowers from early spring into late Summer. Billy Buttons grows naturally in the inland eastern states from QLD down to South Australia, it can be found in open moist, low-lying communities and on roadsides in heavy soil.

Pycnosorus globosus is a lot less fussy than it looks to grow in the garden, it likes to grow in full sun in a position with ample moisture, in similar conditions to growing some of the prettier reeds or rushes like Baloskions or Meeboldinas.

Billy Buttons are very famous for being very long lasting cut flowers, their bright yellow spherical flowers can be dried like other native daisies and used in floral arrangements for months.

So if you have a difficult damp spot where no other native will grow and it gets some sun, why not try a Pynosorus? They look great with some of the taller Anigozanthos species or other grasses.

Their happy flowers will fill you with joy for many months and give you lasting flowers to play with inside 🙂




3 responses to “The happiest Daisy: Pycnosorus globosus”

  1. Marissa Vincent

    Good evening.
    I am interested in growing some of these Billy Buttons and was wondering if you knew if the plants or seeds were available. I am in Coleraine just out of Hamilton.

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Marissa,

      We are lucky enough to have a fair selection of native seed suppliers in Australia, please see the following link for a comprehensive list,

      Good Luck,


  2. Lauren

    Is it normal for a billy button to droop over? It stands back up but it drops over heaps sometimes

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