This is without a doubt one of my favourite small Mallee Eucalypts, it is a very malleable mallee 😉 it responds so well to pruning that if you don’t prune it you are almost doing the plant a disservice.
These photos were taken at the Arboretum in Canberra where there is a stand of Eucalyptus pulverulenta ‘Baby Blue’ on either side of the main building which are regularly lopped. This simulates what they do in the cut flower or foliage industry and this Eucalypt just loves it.
In the image above you can see the lopped trunks and branches re-shooting but also the plant is stimulated to shoot from the base.
The new growth of Eucalyptus pulverulenta tends to be quite striking in the way it grows horizontal giving it a wonderful sculptural element to the garden, I love the simple palette here with the fine grey leaved Lomandra understorey.
If you choose not to prune this species it will still look wonderful just in a different way, in the image below you can see it allowed to spread out its branches naturally.
I have blogged about this species before and you can see more images of it here
So of course it is all about personal taste when you are maintaining your native garden but I think this is such a fun species to play with and so forgiving when pruned that I would say go for it! It is very satisfying watching those new shoots spring from the clear trunk.
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