“In short, can’t thank you enough for the difference your design and expertise have made to our street frontage, never mind our well- being during lockdown.” September 14th 2021
The brief for this garden was inspired by another Mallee Design garden two doors up the street, which always helps 😉 The clients wanted to get rid of the awkward pedestrian street entrance and defunct driveway and rejuvenate the garden to attract more birdlife.

This was made much easier by utilising some of the existing native species in the garden, like the beautiful Banksia integrifolia and a number of Callistemon species.

It was important for the new pathways to be as accessible as possible for those unsteady on their feet, the use of the concrete sleeper steppers provides a smooth stable surface and also stopped the tracking of the crushed Decomposed gravel into the house.

We removed a large Murraya paniculata (many people really do underestimate how large these grow!) and replaced it with a Hibiscus tiliaceus Rubra and a mixed screen of Calothamnus, Melaleuca and Grevillea.

A secondary set of steps to the other side of the street was rebuilt to connect to the house.

The Mypoporum parvifolium is doing a wonderful job of carpeting the birdbath and bird habitat garden. The Eucalyptus pulverulenta ‘Baby Blue’ will grow up to screen the street and provide a perching point for birds to access the water.

It is hard to believe this garden was only planted a few months ago, most of the plants have served the challenging Summer with its hot dry winds followed by torrential rain and almost 100% humidity.

The only casualty was 2 of the 3 Eucalyptus caesia ‘Silver Princess’ which were planted as features in front of the blade walls. These will be replanted in the cooler Autumn months.

This beautiful garden was built by Natural Habitat Landscapes who did a wonderful job of following the design and brief.

Stay tuned for follow up photos of how this garden settles in over the next few years.

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