It is summer and we have had a lot of rain so the Grafted Eucalyptus ficifolias are in full swing, everywhere I look they are putting on a wonderful show. I have been slowly trying to collect decent photos of all the different colours and was planning to wait until I had them all covered, but they keep bringing out new colours and heights so I have decided to just share some information about some of my favourites.
This beautiful deep, deep pink flower is Eucalyptus ‘Summer Glory’, it is one of the older varieties and has lovely large leaves tat almost weep.
Below is a photo of it in my firens front garden, please ignore the rubbish bin and metal fence, it is so hard to get good photo of a trees habit! Summer Glory gets to about 6 metres tall and makes a great shade tree.
The Eucalyptus ‘Dwarf Orange’ below, it one of the 3 metre varieties; which is really a tall shrub, however it is great for small gardens, growing in a tub or as a street tree. The flowers really are almost fluorescent, you would have seen them around, there is a 2 metre form (really?!) called Eucalyptus ‘Mini Orange; and a 6-7 metre version called ‘Orange Splendour’.
I use grafted Dwarf Eucalypts in my garden design a lot, I find they make wonderful screening plants that you can under plant under and around. They sometimes need to be shaped into a tree habit (or I think they do), by pruning off the lower branches to accentuate the trunk.
This is Eucalyptus ‘Summer Red’ which has been my favourite for sometime now, largely because of the look of the leaves, they are giant and almost a glossy green, and the flower is a deep red, almost pink. This tree get to about 5-6 metres tall.
Here is another (terrible) photo of it in someones front garden, you can see how useful these trees can be as screens as they have a compact crown as oppose to most Eucalypts which are quite open.
The last one I want to show you is Eucalyptus ‘Summer Beauty’ which is a light pink form that gets to about 6 metres high.
This is a very delicate colour, as with all the grafted Eucalyptus ficifolia the flowers form in dense bunches that are very bee and bird attracting, often when they are in full flower you can hear them hummmmm…
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