I don’t normally like Hibiscus but…Alyogyne huegelii

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I don’t normally like hibiscus, native OR exotic BUT Alyogyne huegelii is an exception, plus probably some other hybrids of it…. Check out that colour, you don’t often see that shade of purple on a native plant. The other equally important factor that draws me to this plant is it is super hardy and drought tolerant and I love the leaves.

Here you can see the fleshy green leaves contrasting with the other narrow grey leaved shrubs, making it an excellent foliage contrast plant and feature shrub. Alyogyne huegelii is fast growing, loves full sun and a well drained soil, I have seen it flowering and growing in shady spots but it will have a more open stragley habit, nothing like in this photo.



One response to “I don’t normally like Hibiscus but…Alyogyne huegelii”

  1. Cecilia

    I bought this plant as a tiny seedling in a market in Southern Tasmania about 4 – 5 months ago, I’ve had it in a pot and it had one flower in the middle of winter but it hasn’t grown at all, is there anything I could do to get it to grow?

    Thank you,


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