Favourites for Shady Planting: Leionema ‘Green Screen’

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I collect a lot of favourites for shady planting, it has become somewhat of a hobby to find natives that will grow in difficult shady spots. Dry shade, moist shade, windy shade, winter shade and summer sun…..screening for shade, you get the picture. So this is one of my new discoveries, Leionema ‘Green Screen’ I have planted this in my mum’s place along side her house, so no winter sun and only direct overhead sun in summer for maybe 2 or 3 hours. This garden bed has been in for almost a year and everything is going gangbusters!

P1070139Above is the Leionema ‘Green Screen’ flowering its head off and full of bees, and behind it is Prostanthera ‘Minty’. The soil is quite heavy clay but all the plants are handling it fine regardless of the recent rains.

Below you can see the Prostanthera ‘Minty’ in the foreground the Leionema and then behind that a Philotheca ‘Top Cut’ also in full flower. The smell down that pathway is sublime.



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