Woolly Pomaderris should be seen more often: Pomaderris lanigera

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This is a plant that whenever I see it in the bush or in a garden situation I wonder why I don’t use it more often, I love the soft fury leaves and large structured panicle heads that hold hundreds of tiny nectar rich flowers. The stems and new leaves are a deep bronze and contrast nicely with the adult green leaves.

Pomaderris lanigera

Pomaderris lanigera puts on a wonderful show in spring and grows well in the harshest conditions, from dry shade to full sun, it is often found along creek banks and in moist gullies.

Pomaderris lanigera

It can be hard to get your hands on this plant as it is hard to propagate from seed. It is a great mid-storey species.

Pomaderris lanigera

This is a quick growing species to between 1 and 3 metres it could be pruned to create a feature shrub or used as habitat in a wildlife garden. Pomaderris lanigera can be found growing naturally all along the NSW coast and inland past the border ranges.

Pomaderris lanigera

This plant should be able to be sourced from local council nurseries or bush regeneration growers, as its seeds are often collected for Natural Area restoration.

Pomaderris lanigera

They require moist well drained soils and can suffer from wet feet and die back, however I have been growing mine in a clay soil and they are very happy.


One response to “Woolly Pomaderris should be seen more often: Pomaderris lanigera”

  1. Gina Hill

    Hello, I have bought 2 pomaderris Langigera Dwarf. I live in SW Victoria . The aim is to plant in a morning sun sheltered position house shade in arvo, wondering if morning sun to dappled shade to arvo shade may be better. Would they be good as understory for Eucalypts? We do live in a windy area – Tower Hill

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