I have written about this genus before but thought this species needs its own space on the blog as it really is an extremely versatile medium shrub. It is one of those plants for a trickier spot in the garden as it loves a dry shady position. It is endemic to south-west WA, it is also wind and salt tolerant so could be the perfect choice for a native coastal garden, as it prefers a sandy well drained soil. Even on the hottest driest days the oak shaped leaves are a lovely lush green.

Thomasia solanacea

Great as a low screen, it responds well to clipping and provides a dense habit. It grows to a height of 2-3meters, the same in width. It would also suit as habitat for small birds.

Thomasia solanacea

New growth is covered with scaly, star-shaped hairs. The leaves are similar to an oak leaf, with irregular edges and lime green in colour. Flowering in spring, from September to December, the small papery white flowers with dark reddish veins and centers emerge from ribbed buds. Although these hanging flowers are small they are large in number and create quite a dainty show.

Thomasia solanacea

The flowers attract bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Thomasia solanacea, with its beautiful foliage blends in well with exotic species in the garden, it is one of the native shrubs I like to use when creating a blended planting. On the hottest summer days its thick light green foliage is a bright spot in shady areas.

Thomasia solanacea


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