Tag: perfume

  • A spikey, perfumed tangle of Grevillea flexuosa

    A spikey, perfumed tangle of Grevillea flexuosa

    This is a wonderfully messy Grevillea that likes to sprawl all over the place. Its stems literally get tangled in themselves and the leaves are stiff and spikey so they can almost grab onto other plants to hoist themselves towards the sunlight and as its name implies it is so very flexible ๐Ÿ˜‰ Grevillea flexuosa…

  • Pittosporum revolutum and its eye catching fruit

    Pittosporum revolutum and its eye catching fruit

    This is Pittosporum revolutum, a medium shrub with jasmine-scented blossoms which flowers profusley in Spring and then is covered in decorative fruit in Autumn. When flowering the scent permeates the whole garden and is often commented on by visitors. In the bush it grows as an understory plant and often gets quite leggy, but pruning…

  • Happy National Wattle Day!

    Happy National Wattle Day!

    We hope your gardens are in full bloom and continue to bring you and the native wildlife joy throughout the month of Spring. This years Wattle is Acacia linifolia or Flax Wattle, it flowers from Summer through to Winter. Changes are afoot this month and we have some some exciting announcements which we thought worthwhile…

  • Summer Scents: Hymenosporum flavum

    Summer Scents: Hymenosporum flavum

    The scent of a frangipani marks Summer for many people, when I used to live in Sydney the frangipanis and jasmine filled the inner city streets in Summer giving off a potent scent in the warm weather. What many people don’t know is that there is a native equivalent, yes a native Frangipani! The native…

  • Happy National Wattle Day: Acacia binervia ‘Sterling Silver’

    Happy National Wattle Day: Acacia binervia ‘Sterling Silver’

    Spring! if ever there is a seasonal change to bring hope and excitement for the future surely Spring is it? I have been watching the Wattles all Winter long, they have been lovely this year and very appreciated during extended lockdown wanders. But now we have made it to Spring (Hooray) a time for growth…

  • As delicate as a rose: Archirhodomyrtus beckleri

    As delicate as a rose: Archirhodomyrtus beckleri

    This small feature tree really would fit in nicely in a garden full of roses, lavender and other English cottage style plants. The tiny flowers remind me of the blooms on climbing rose bushes and this pretty rainforest tree has the sweetest common name of ‘Rose Myrtle’. Archirhodomyrtus beckleri flowers profusely with plenty of pale pink…

  • Happy National Wattle Day! Acacia leprosa ‘Weeping Form’

    Happy National Wattle Day! Acacia leprosa ‘Weeping Form’

    It’s National Wattle Day! Hooray! the time of the year when the Acacias are telling us warmer weather is on the way, I mean I have had flowering Wattles in my garden all Winter long ๐Ÿคจ …..anyhooo it’s a great time of year to look around and take in all the different species and forms…

  • Yum Yum: Acacia cardiophylla

    Yum Yum: Acacia cardiophylla

    This is a wattle close to my heart, it is one of the most strongly perfumed Australian native flowers I have come across, but not in a over-powering sweet, honey-nectar way, it is more of a Boronia type scent…yum, yum… This is also a very useful Acacia for its capacity to withstand strong winds, I…

  • A must have in your habitat garden: Bursaria spinosa

    A must have in your habitat garden: Bursaria spinosa

    All hail sweet Bursaria! this native plant is a superstar performer in a native habitat garden fulfilling so many critters requirements and needs. I have been collecting images of Bursaria spinosa for about 10 years now, always looking for a flattering angle and light, it is not a particularly showy plant if not in flower,…

  • Happy Wattle Day! Acacia fimbriata Dwarf ‘Crimson Blush’

    Happy Wattle Day! Acacia fimbriata Dwarf ‘Crimson Blush’

    Yes! its the 1st of September again and the Acacias are out welcoming in Spring, a time of wonderful scents and happy yellows! In the image above you can see the soft yellow flowers and bright red new growth of Acacia fimbriata Dwarf ‘Crimson Blush’, its easy to see how it got its name. This…