Softly softly: Eucalyptus ficifolia ‘Fairy Floss’ Grafted

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These soft, gentle pink flower clusters belong to another grafted Eucalyptus (Corymbia) ficifolia dwarf grafted gum, this sweet small tree is called ‘Fairy Floss’, isn’t the name just perfect? This small feature tree flowers in the warm summer months between December and March like many of the ‘Summer’ series grafted gums.

It makes a wonderful replacement for the Crepe Myrtles that are currently in flower and seem to be taking over as street trees in my council.

This compact showy tree grows to around 6 metres high x 4 metres wide, and responds well to a prune after flowering to remove the spent flowers and ensure the tree doesn’t waste too much energy producing gum nuts. Of course the gum nuts themselves are highly decorative and you may wish to let them form fully before snipping them off for your collection. However by removing them you are ensuring the tree remains dense and full of leaf as opposed to dry and brown and sticky looking 😉

In the image above you can see how great the dwarf flowering gums look when turned to have a trunk and then underplanted, I love the look of the tightly clipped Callistemon below this ‘Fairy Floss’ specimen, giving the garden an almost formal look.

There really is a dwarf grafted ficifolia for every purpose, coming in all colours and sizes, and the birds and bees love them too 😄


25 responses to “Softly softly: Eucalyptus ficifolia ‘Fairy Floss’ Grafted”

  1. Where can I get the Fairy Floss dwarf trees from please

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Joy,

      You should be able to source them from Sydney Wildflower Nursery ph: 95482818

      Best Wishes,


  2. Hi Kath Thanks for your excellent blog.
    I want to plant a dwarf grafted ficifolia in a west facing paved courtyard in Canberra however there are plumbing pipes going across the courtyard about a metre in depth and about 11/2 metres from the 900mm wide garden bed. Is it likely to be invasive? Would you expect it to struggle in our dry cold climate?
    Can I plant one in a large container ?

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Kerry,

      Yes, you can grow them in a large container, something like a half wine barrel works well. I would recommend one of the smaller varieties like Eucalyptus ‘Mini Red’ or ‘Mini Orange’.
      In regards to the frost you might need to provide it with some protection over the harsher Winter months, like some carefully positioned shade cloth. Sometimes they can become frost hardened but I personally wouldn’t risk it.

      Hope this info helps,

      Best Wishes,


    2. Heather Dziwak

      Can you get them in SA and if so which nurseries. Thanks Heather

  3. Amy

    Hi would these be suitable for a horse paddock or would they attract bats

    1. Nhung Ross

      I’m worried mine is sick, I’ve asked everyone and no one seem to know what to do? The leaves normally are so lush and full but not now. Can you help? Thanks so much

  4. Luke

    How long do these trees flower for each year ?

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Luke,

      ‘Fairy Floss’ flowers for around a month each year.

      Best Wishes,


  5. Carol McCallum

    Loved the fairy floss tree. I’m in Jan Juc establishing a new garden. Have just planted some moonahs and would like your advice for a few small trees. (I adore pinks). Our block is small, on a corner and quite close to the beach. Attic blasts occasionally. Lots of wind. My friend lives in Horsham so she might be able to bring a few when visiting if she’s close to your nursery.
    Kindest regards.
    Carol McCallum 0417151432

  6. Saara Kramb

    Hi I live in the northern rivers of nsw I am so very interested in the fairy floss dwarf size as it will fit in perfectly with the rest of my garden
    I would like to know where could I get a dwarf fairy floss from I am 9 hrs from Sydney and 4 hrs from Brisbane.
    Would you be able to help me in where I could buy 1

  7. Lynnette Mesic

    I live in Jimboomba, Qld. Would you know who might have it here? It is such a lovely tree.
    Thank you,

  8. Kelly

    I live in Gladstone QLD, Would you know where I could get one and also would qld be a suitable area for them to grow? Thank you

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Kelly,

      Fairy Floss will grow in QLD but I am unsure where you could get one. You could try contacting the Native R Us wholesale nursery and seeing if they supply this to any of their stockists. I went to a gardening expo of theirs a couple of years ago and they had lots of great small native nurseries present.

      Best of luck,

  9. Bron Herne

    Hi can I buy fairy floss in wa ?
    Or if not can I order interstate?
    Desperate to have this as my long diveway feature trees
    Thanks Brony

  10. Robert James

    Looking for a nursery in Brisbane or the Gold Coast where I can purchase retail Corymbia ficifolia, can anyone suggest?

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Robert,

      You could try wholesale nursery Natives R us and ask if any of their stockists would have it nursery on the sunshine coast might also be worth asking :

      Best of luck,

    2. mick

      they usually have a few varieties.

  11. Rebecca

    Hi there! I’m wanting to purchase the Eucalyptus Ficifolia “Fairy Floss”. Any thoughts where to purchase on the Central Coast NSW. Many thanks!

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Rebecca,

      You could try the Wildflower Place at Erina Heights:
      Or Newcastle Wildflower Nursery may have them, you could call in advance to check:

      All the best

  12. Lindsey

    Live in NE suburbs of Adelaide. Any recommendations as to where I could get fairy floss eucalyptus. Have been searching internet with no luck. Regards Lindsey

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Lindsay,

      You can try giving Syndey Wildflower Nursery a call (02) 9548 2818, they have a postal service and would be able to send it to you if they have stock.

      All the best,

  13. Lindsey

    I can’t find anyone who stocks this tree. Anyone have any info.

  14. Hi Kath,
    I had to coppice my mature Fairy Floss tree a few years ago as it was crowded in to another tree. I ultimately removed the tree next to it so the eucy would take over the space. It has regrown with multiple stems which are up to about 3M. The leaves are beautiful. Will it ever flower again?
    Peta 🙂

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Peta,
      Yes it should flower again! When did you cut it back?
      Kind Regards,

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