This is to my knowledge currently Veronica perfoliata, it has gone through several differing identities and name changes, I won’t go into all of that, it just seems a shame as I think it may have detracted people from knowing about this useful plant.

Veronica perfoliata

Firstly I love it because it has a very Eucalypt like foliage with broad grey green leaves that clasp the stems and seem to spiral out from the plant. The leaves have a leathery texture to them. Secondly it has an excellent habit, half low spreading ground cover and part feature shrub, it makes a great border or edging plant.

Veronica perfoliata

Thirdly, I like the way the flowers are positioned on the ends of the stems and cover the whole plant. A nodding spray of blue/purple occurs in summer.

Veronica perfoliata

It is considered a clumping shrub that reaches a height of about 60cm- 1.2mt and 1mt or more wide.P1090420Veronica perfoliata grows well in part shade in a well drained soil, it is found in south eastern Australia and the ACT. It grows naturally in Eucalypt forests and woodlands, alpine meadows, heath, and on rock screes.

Veronica perfoliata

It would be a good candidate for planting under large trees and also looks great as a mass planting.

Also great to plant in rockeries and rocky soils, and can also be grown in a pot. Would be perfectly suited in a Cottage Garden.

Veronica perfoliata

Can tolerate light frost but doesn’t appreciate high humidity.

Veronica perfoliata

Prune back your plant after flowering and if the plant becomes scraggly, it will benefit from a hard prune, almost to ground level, this will rejuvenate the plant.

Veronica perfoliata


2 responses to “Lovely shrub of many names: Veronica perfoliata”

  1. Lisa DIXON

    When you say ‘high humidity’ would you include Sydney?
    I’m in the inner west and am looking for plants go under my Crepe Myrtle which gets a lot of afternoon sun in winter when there is no shade protection

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Lisa,
      I would include the inner west in the ‘high humidity’ category.
      You could try the Veronica perfoliata if you have air flow under your Crepe Myrtle and well drained soil. Or even try it in a pot.
      Happy planting,

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