We’ve been simply blown away by the beautiful garden entries we received in our most recent birdbath competition #INeedABirdbathHere. We asked our followers to send us photos of their gardens for the chance to win a Freshly Spun Medium Copper Dish and couldn’t be happier with the result. It’s always inspiring to see wonderful native gardens growing across the country.
The Winner is Suzie Barry who has a beautiful native habitat garden on the Gold Coast, she submitted many wonderful shots including images of the wildlife who would benefit from having a Mallee Birdbath in the garden.
It was so hard to choose just one winner, there are so many talented gardeners out there creating enticing bird habitat environments. So we have chosen a few of our favourites in the interest of inspiring more gardeners to consider making their gardens wildlife friendly and beautiful.

I was particularly captivated by this plinth, ready to support a beautiful copper birdbath, with its soft grass under plantings. The banksias framed either side of the plinth are certain to bring many birds to a birdbath here for years to come and no doubt the forest background will serve as an important corridor for native birds hopping in and out of the bush and into the gardenscape.
The tree stump in this image looks like its crying out for a birdbath and the Calothamnus qudrifidus Grey in the background would provide great habitat and nectar for small honeyeaters. You also can’t help but notice the cute purple Brachyscome flowering in front of the stump.
Another garden entry, clearly habitat rich and suitable for birds can be seen in the following two photos. The Chrysocephalum ‘Silver Sunburst’ lining the rocky creek attract insects, which in turn attract insectivorous birds, and the flowering Kangaroo Paw and Callistemon in the second photo is great food for honeyeaters. Not to mention the magnificent layout of the plantings and shelter available for all kinds of wildlife. Really, really well done.
This lush, native rainforest garden was a bit of a change of scene from most of entries, we love the natural rocky platforms and fern-rich habitat, which is likely to attract some different species from what you’d usually get in a suburban garden.
The sandstone plinths really give this rainforest garden a lift by bringing in a lighter element and some structure.
There is nothing quite like placing a birdbath underneath a flowering gum tree, this offers shade and protection from the sun and a wonderful food source and perching point for the birds.
I love the understorey textural planting in this garden combined with the sculpture, the birds would be very happy here protected under the tree surrounded by native grasses.
So thank you again to all who entered, it has been an absolute pleasure viewing your photos and we hope you continue to plant and garden with our native wildlife in mind.
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