The flower spikes on the morning Iris really do say good morning all through Spring, it is such a luminous shade of deep blue almost purple that is impossible not to notice. The flowers are displayed on upright stems rising almost a metre above the tufted foliage.

Orthrosanthus multiflorus can be found growing naturally on Kangaroo Island in south Australia and also in coastal heathland in southern Victoria. Although it is a coastal plant in these locations it does appreciate having access to regular moisture.

The Morning Iris suits mass planting with other native grasses in a wildflower meadow or cottage garden style, it also works as a feature plant with lower growing species like Bracyscome or Scaevola species.

The spent flower spikes should be trimmed along with the older leaves in Summer, after flowering has finished. Orthrosanthus multiflorus can be grown in full sun to part shade, I am growing it under large Eucalyptus, it does require a well drained soil but don’t forget to water it in extended dry spells. The flowers are highly attractive to butterflies and pollinating insects so it makes a wonderful addition to any habitat garden.
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