This sweet little native shrub is in full bloom at the moment, it started in late Winter and can continue until Summer in some cases. Micromyrtus ciliata is one of those species which gets so covered in flowers that you can barely see the leaves!

The shrub only reaches half a metre high by upto a metre wide and has a lovely weeping habit created by it long arching branchlets. It can get a little leggy but a simple prune will encourage new growth and stop it looking scraggly.

Micromyrtus ciliata grows naturally in poor, sandy or rocky soil in dry sclerophyll forest in eastern NSW, because of this it is tolerant of drought and exposure to wind. However, it does perform beautifully in an ornamental garden with regular moisture and grows quite well in part shade.

If you are going to use this plant in the garden be sure to plant it in groups or en mass as it can get a little lost if planted individually. The shrubs in the photos are in fact three planted closely together to create a feature floral display.

It also makes agreat spillover plant, cascading down a slope or retaining wall. Micromyrtus works well planted with complementary or contrasting species like Leptospermum ‘Fore Shore’, Eremophila ‘Silver Ball’ or Acacia ‘Mini Cog’. And because of its compact habit it is perfect for smaller gardens, the bees will thank you for it 🙏🏽
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