The much anticipated Hakea ‘Burrendong Beauty’

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This Hakea always gets me, it seems to bud up “forever” in late Summer and Autumn and then after much anticipation and waiting it does this! Each branch bursts open with hundreds of pink ball like flowers.

Hakea myrtoides x petiolaris ‘Burrendong Beauty’ has stunning dense masses of red flowers with pink stamens that cover the plant prolifically from Autumn through to Winter.

Hakea ‘Burrendong Beauty’ has long stiff arching branches that need plenty of room to spread out, it grows well if in a raised garden bed or planted somewhere where it has room to sprawl down a bank or slope.

It responds well to pruning after flowering and can be shaped into a low mounding shrub with perseverance 😉

However, I quite like it when its doing its own thing, happily spreading about its bird attracting flowers and getting amongst other natives in the garden to create small bird habitat and visual interest.

If let go it grows to around 1 metre high by 1.5 to 2 metres wide, it enjoys full sun and a well drained soil and would appreciate a position with good air flow to avoid humidity building up in the foliage. It is well worth making room for in your native garden.



6 responses to “The much anticipated Hakea ‘Burrendong Beauty’”

  1. Craig

    Beautiful flower. What is that neat little pale green plant in the bottom left of the third last photo?

  2. Kath Gadd

    Hi Craig,

    there is some Scaevola and the more silver foliaged plant is a form of Chrysocepahlum. Hope this info helps,

    Best Wishes,


  3. Hakea ‘Burrendong Beauty’

    Do you know where I can buy 1 or 2 of these native plants ?

    1. fantastic

      Hi Richard,
      You should be able to source Hakea ‘Burrendong Beauty’ from Sydney Wildflower Nursery 95482818,



  4. Melissa

    I read this post some time ago and since, this species has stuck in my head. I recently lost a couple of eremophilas so have two new spots on either side of our stairs to fill. So today, I bought two H. ‘Burrendong Beauty’ of course 😁 Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

  5. sue strugnell

    I live in South Arm, a small coastal town in Southern Tasmania, I was given a small plant some six years ago which I planted in almost beach sand and pretty well forgot about it until several years ago it started to produce small nut like growths along some of the stems. No flowers. This year it suddenly burst into the most beautiful prolific flowering. Only yesterday I had it identified as Hakea Burrendong Beauty. It is truly spectacular.

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