I am still very, very slowly working on my Emu Bush plant palette, adding these two beauties Eremophila cuneifolia and Eremophila rotundifolia makes six, I’m halfway to my desired dozen…phew
Both these species were grafted where I saw them in the Bulli Grevillea Park, so if you live in coastal NSW as I do it might be an idea to try and get them grafted.
The first two images are of Eremophila cuneifolia, perhaps even more stunning than Eremophila nivea? I love the double flower colour of deep purple and bright pink.
Eremophila cuneifolia is a small shrub growing to approximately one metre high and about 70cm wide, it is native to arid regions of Western Australia, naturally growing on clay soils and stony areas. When I saw this Eremophila at the Grevillea Park it literally took my breath away, it was so heavy with flowers and so bright! it really would be at home in an english cottage garden
This next one, Eremophila rotundifolia was less floriferous, probably given to its more shady position. However I really like the silver-grey, furry foliage on Eremophila rotundifolia, and its leaf arrangement gives it a strong habit, this is a low growing more spreading species.
Most Eremophilas respond well to a tip prune after flowering to keep their density and strengthen thier branch structure, as they are quick growing plants if they grow too fast and are left unpruned they can become unstable and top heavy.
Eremophila cuneifolia and rotundifolia both make excellent feature shrubs with their striking leaves making them useful even when not in flower, if you come across them snap them up and make a space for them in your garden.
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