There is something about this particular shade of purple that is both eye catching and calming at the same time, it’s a lovely vibrant lilac which covers the entire shrub and lights up a shady corner. This native Mint Bush also does well in full sun as well as part shade, making it quite a versatile species.

Prostanthera ovalifolia is a wonderful bee attracting species, and becuase of its strongly scented foliage makes an excellent shrub to plant near pathways, outdoor entertaining areas and windows, so you too can benefit from the refreshing, bushy, minty smell.

Native mint bush is a useful large shrub to plant under canopy trees as it will tolerate the dappled light, it does require a little bit of extra watering during the drier months but generally is suited to a well drained soil.

Prostenthera ovalifolia requires regular tip pruning in order to retain a dense bushy habit, if left alone it will become open and rangy and only flower on the ends of its stems.

There are other forms of Prostanthera ovalifolia, a white form and also a variegated leaf cultivar which I am strangely rather fond of 😉 The variegation on the leaf makes the plant seem lighter and almost grey from afar and gives excellent contrast in a shady corner, I will post about this form at a later stage.

The smell of Mint Bush really does quickly evoke the feeling of the bush in your garden and is one of my favourite scented native plants. The punchy purple flowers are just an added bonus for this great native shrub.
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