Rambling bank covering Grevillea banksii prostrate

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There are many, many Grevillea ground covers, and most of them cover a large area and have either a toothbrush or spider flower. Not this one! this is Grevillea banksii prostrate and it not only has a large showy flower spike it also has the large leaves associated with the northern sub tropical Grevilleas and it likes to grow BIG.

Grevillea banksii prostrate comes in two colours white and red, both are prolific in flower and form, growing up to 70cm high and 2-3 metres wide.

They make excellent grafted standards as you can see in the image above, the white form tends to have a more grey leaf with bronze new growth.

Grevillea banksii prostrate is a very useful plant for cascading down difficult slopes, and will tend to layer upon itself to create a dense mounding ground-cover.

In the image above you can see the grey leaf of the white form in contrast with Banksia ‘Coastal Cushions’.

When in flower in Winter through to Spring this grevillea is a great food source for native parrots and larger honey eaters.

I definitely have a preference for the white form, from a distance it has a soft cascading appearance and the leaves make a great contrast when planted alongside deeper  or lime greens.

Grevillea banksii prostrate is super hardy, once established it will grow in exposed windy sites, part shade, dry soils and even will cope with light frosts. So if you have the space or a problem position give it a try it is rewarding when in or out of flower.



2 responses to “Rambling bank covering Grevillea banksii prostrate”

  1. Carla FitzSimons

    Hi Kath, do you know where I could get the white prostrate form? Thanks, Carla

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Carla,

      You could try Sydneywildflower Nursery or I have previously bought them from the Grevillea Park in Bulli,

      Best Wishes,


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