So there is an out break of a plant disease that started in Australia a couple of years ago in nurseries called ‘Myrtle Rust‘ it affects all plants in the Myrtaceae family and it is incredibly dramatic. It is still about and is moving through our bushland at rapid rate.

These rusts are serious pathogens which affect plants belonging to the family Myrtaceae including Australian natives like bottle brush (Callistemon spp.), tea tree (Melaleuca spp.) and eucalypts (Eucalyptus spp.).

Myrtle rust is distinctive in that it produces masses of powdery bright yellow or orange-yellow spores on infected plant parts. It infects leaves of susceptible plants producing spore-filled lesions on young actively growing leaves, shoots, flower buds and fruits. Leaves may become buckled or twisted and may die as a result of infection. Sometimes these infected spots are surrounded by a purple ring. Older lesions may contain dark brown spores. Infection on highly susceptible plants may result in plant death.

See  for more information.


Unfortunately, this has resulted in some of my favourite native plants becoming totally neglected, people are steering clear of them at an alarming rate and some are just simply not grown at all anymore by nurseries. One of these is Agonis ‘Burgundy’.



Yes, it is susceptible to Myrtle Rust, however I don’t think this is a reason not to try growing it, I have had one in my garden for over 3 years and it is fine.


Agonis ‘Burgundy’ grows to about 3 metres high and 1.5 wide, it has a beautiful weeping habit with deep red new growth and makes an excellent feature shrub or small tree. The above photo was taken in Melbourne and I also noticed how well they grow in Tasmania, I am assuming that the frosts down there are so far keeping Myrtle Rust at bay. If that is the case then hopefully we will perhaps see them re-appear in larger numbers up here on the NSW East Coast where the humidity is higher and Myrtle Rust is more prevalent.


So why not plant one if you can? keep the diversity out there, there may be a percentage chance that it dies from Myrtle Rust but then again it might not and I think the beauty of this plant is worth the risk…. now you just need to find a nursery that stocks them! heehee



9 responses to “In Support of Agonis ‘Burgundy’”

  1. Shane

    I have 2 agonis burgundy planted in apple crates. One is going very well, the other has just started to get leaves that are going a little dry and curly. Is this a lack of sunlight? As a large shade sail has been erected near the plants most of the autumn sun is blocked to this particular plant. Any advuce would be appreciated. I am located in Victoria.

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Shane,
      We had a very, very wet March here in east coast NSW and I have noticed the Agonis ‘Burgundy’ and ‘Lemon and Lime’ did not like it at all! I have seen several die from what I assume to be root rot and the leaves go brown as you describe. Could there be a chance that one is in a wetter spot than the other?

      Best Wishes,


  2. Jan Gamble

    Hi I have had an Agnois Burgundy in for about 18 months at Port Sorell in Tasmania
    I needed to move it about two meters as we are renovating
    It’s appears to look brown leaves but still feels like it is not dead
    I moved it about three months ago
    Will it recover

  3. Helen Burns

    I have three Agonis Burgundy and one by one they are dying. I live in South Australia and they have been in for approx years So disappointing as I will not get them again. Any suggestions as to why and also what I could replace them with?

    1. Helen Burns

      Oops I left out (7) years.

  4. john carrangis

    Can Agonis Burgundy trees flourish in pots?
    I have an Adelaide hillside balcony facing west & some tree shade would be tops.
    my composted soil is loaded with worms.
    Thanks John

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi John,

      You could probably keep it happy in a pot for a couple of years (a fairly large pot ideally) but it is a small tree that really needs to be planted to be happy and develop a proper root system over time.

      All the best,
      Hannah and Kath

  5. herman scholten

    hello there i have probably about 12 agonis burgondy trees and they all have developed a black scale on the trunks and branches .
    i have sprayed them with eco oil but no improvement so could you please help me
    kind regards herman

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Herman,
      Great to hear you have so many Agonis ‘Burgundy’. Eco oil needs to be sprayed 3 times, 10days apart to break the cycle. Have you already done this?
      Kind Regards,

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