This has been my favourite Tea tree for a few years now, it is Leptospermum brachyandrum ‘Silver’ and for the first time I saw some more mature specimens when I visited Cranbourne Botanic Gardens in January. I was overjoyed as I have two in my garden that are only head height so far and three in a neighbours garden that are getting there but not quite looking like a small tree yet!
These ones have been planted in clusters or groups on a steep exposed hill and they aren’t all that old either, I’d say they will be getting another few metres on them.
Aren’t they beautiful? soft silvery leaves with an interesting peeling bark that reveals a smooth white trunk underneath.
They will grow in part shade to full sun and will withstand drought but really prefer a little extra water.
Above you can see them in full flower, thousands of tiny white flowers sit atop the stem, great for honey eaters and small insect eating birds. They look good when underplanted with Poa spps. and carpeting ground covers. Sometimes they can be a little difficult to get hold of at certain times of year so a little planning and patience helps.
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