The Grevillea screen that could: Grevillea ‘Dorothy Gordon’

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This is a Grevillea that can…screen out neighbours, fill an empty hole quickly, attract nectar feeding birds, give privacy, flowers profusely and is quite unusual looking. I would say its closest cousin is Grevillea ‘Strawberry Blonde’ another favourite of mine which also has bronze new growth and a large toothbrush flower spike.

Grevillea ‘Dorothy Gordon’ is a hybrid selection with parentage from Western Australian and Queensland as both parents are greatly separated botanically and regionally Grevillea ‘Dorothy Gordon’ will produce no fertile seeds, making it a great addition to gardens located close to natural bush areas.

I love this Grevillea for its soft ferny leaf which appears almost blue-grey when planted next to lime green or bronze when planted next to others with a silver foliage, as you can see below.

Grevillea ‘Dorothy Gordon’ grows very quickly to 3 metres high and about 3 metres wide, it requires =regular pruning to keep it dense and strong.

The flowers are sometimes described as purple but really they are a musk pink, as they open sometimes they appear as a dark pink which may be confused with purple ….? you shall have to grow one for yourself and get back to me 😉


5 responses to “The Grevillea screen that could: Grevillea ‘Dorothy Gordon’”

  1. Melissa Houselander

    Your garden design and plant combinations have inspired me in many of my recent plant choices. Thank you for sharing your images and insights. I have been on a long search for Dorothy Gordon since seeing it in an Open Garden and now on your site, but just cannot seem to locate one. I’m in Victoria (and yes I’ve tried Kuranga a favourite native nursery) and wondered if you had any suggestions? Thanks again 🙂

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Melissa,

      Thanks for the feedback, glad to hear my ramblings have been useful 😉
      Have you tried ? when I did a search this nursery is growing it and if you select their retailers there are plenty around Melbourne.
      Or would you be willing to buy one online? Sydney Wildflower Nursery does a mail order service and I know they stock it, the other option would be to go to Melbourne flower and garden show next month and pick one up there, I’m sure someone would have it.

      Good Luck!


  2. Maddie

    This is an awesome grevillea. The leaves are soft and I’ve made a tall hedge out of 4 of them. It’s also great they are tall because the birds are protected from cats. I had a problem with peoples cats coming into my yard and killing birds on the grevilleas that were low growing – to the point where I had to remove the plants.

  3. Pam

    Can I grow this Grenville in a large tub

    1. Kath Gadd

      Hi Pam,
      I haven’t tried it but you could give it a go in a large pot, thinking the size of a wine barrel to give it the best chance.

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