The limitless potential of Thomasia solanacea
I have written about this genus before but thought this species needs its own space on the blog as it really is an extremely versatile medium shrub. It is one of those plants for a trickier spot in the garden as it loves a dry shady position. It is endemic to south-west WA, it is…
The perfect concealer: Aphanopetalum resinosum
Aphanopetalum resinosum is the answer to many difficult positions in the garden, from dark shady dry corners of the garden to ugly fences or buildings which need to be greened up, Gum Vine may be the solution. This robust native vine has bright green shiny leaves and reddish stems and when it is in flower…
Eye catching Kennedia nigricans
This is am unusual climber which tends to draw in everyones attention. I use this Western Australian species whenever I need a quick growing cover to screen, suppress weeds or create shade. The large bright green leaves are broad for a Kennedia and the pea flowers hide a little amongst the foliage, but once those…
Calothamnus quadrifidus grey: texture and toughness
I thought I had already dedicated a blog post to this steadfast native shrub but have just realised it has featured a few times but hasn’t been praised individually yet. Very strange as this is a staple in many of my screening plantings or used as a feature shrub, especially as it will quite happily…
The Invaluable Grevillea ‘Dorothy gordon’
I struggle a little with some of the Large flowering Grevilleas, they tend to attract the more aggressive nectar feeding birds like Rainbow Lorikeets and Noisy Miners. These birds then tend to dominate the garden scaring away the smaller more timid birds. However I do make an exception for a hand full of large flowering…
the always blooming Grevillea × semperflorens
This is a little known Grevillea Hybrid which has been around for a long time, I have never really understood why this Grevillea isn’t more widely used. It is highly ornamental and spends much of the year in flower. In fact semperflorens actually means always blooming. It is a hrybrid between G. thelemanniana and a yellow-flowered…
The Mediterranean flavour of Grevillea olivacea
Grevillea olivacea is considered a fast growing native shrub for dry conditions, with its dense habit it is the perfect screening plant to block out any building, street or fence. I use it for its grey foliage and small spider flowers, because spider flowering Grevilleas are my favourites! I also like to incorporate it into…
The Bronze Highlights of Gymnostoma australianum
This almost Christmas like tree is part of the Casuarina family, at first glance can look like a conifer or pine tree, but fuller in habit. Its overall texture and colour is very similar to She Oaks when they are flowering, which is probably why this specimen caught me eye. The male and female flowers…
Finger Limes loving the shade – Citrus australasica
My friend has the magic touch when it comes to growing all things edible and so of course her fingers limes are abundant in the Autumn 🤩. She has two varieties one is Citrus australasica ‘Rainforest Pearl’, a grafted form. Which in my humble opinion is the sweetest and juiciest of them all and the…
As delicate as a rose: Archirhodomyrtus beckleri
This small feature tree really would fit in nicely in a garden full of roses, lavender and other English cottage style plants. The tiny flowers remind me of the blooms on climbing rose bushes and this pretty rainforest tree has the sweetest common name of ‘Rose Myrtle’. Archirhodomyrtus beckleri flowers profusely with plenty of pale pink…
Quick Screen & Habitat: Hakea salicifolia
This is the Willow Leafed Hakea or Hakea salicifolia, friend to Hakea sericea, the reason I think they are friends is that they have a lot in common, plus they were growing so happily together when I took these photos 😉 as you can see in the image below. Hakea salicifolia is a fast growing…
Portfolio: Crows Nest Garden Design
This garden in Crows Nest was designed at the beginning of last year and has been slowly and steadily taking shape. It is being lovingly built by the owner on weekends and through his careful attention and patience it will be a great success. However, unfinished as it is I couldn’t resist posting a few…
Lomandra as a fence screen
When I planted these Lomandra hystrix I had no idea that they would work so well to cover the 1.8m high fence, now when I look at this area I realise how perfect they are.It is a difficult spot, fairly shady and not a great deal of soil but these Lomandras have filled out nicely…