I had to pull over again and stop and take photos as soon as this Banksia caught my eye in a quiet inner city suburb. It was planted in the prize position next to the front gate near the letter box on a corner block and was stealing the show of a lovely native front garden.
This is Banksia oblongifolia, isn’t it beautiful? When I did a little reproach on this banskia the same thing kept coming up ‘rarely seen in cultivation’ or ‘not often used in residential gardens’ bah! why?!
Look at all those flowers! check out the dense habit! and it grows in full sun or part shade withstands plenty of moisture and is perfectly sized for small gardens. It also provides shelter for small birds and food for lorikeets and honeyeaters, encouraging the birdlife of a garden.
Banksia oblongifolia is one of those Banksia species that has bright red furry new growth too, a big feature in my book.
There are many wonderful native plants that are under utilised in the home garden and I would dearly like to think that I could cover and represent a large portion of them here on my blog, however even I am aware how ambitious that is 😉 So if you are looking for a small compact feature Banksia at around 1.5 metres high and have already done your dash with all the Banksia spinulosa hybrids maybe you should try oblongifolia.
Banksia oblongifolia was just one plant in this pretty amazing front garden, in the image above you can see Thyptomene ‘F.C Payne’ next to it then a Ceraptopelatum sps. being used as a screen.
There were two gorgeous small Eucalypts on either side of the pathway, they seemed like small varieties and if I had to name them I might suggest they were Eucalyptus ‘Little Spotty’…but if anyone else has an idea please let me know?
Unfortunately they weren’t in flower so it makes IDying them difficult, I love the Xanthorrhoea planted underneath with the sandstone bird dish.
There was also a Eucalyptus caesia ‘Silver Princess’ planted on the boundary which was budding up nicely, obviously well loved and cared for.
This garden had fantastic street address due to the Banksia oblongifolia flowering but also because of the great feature Eucalyptus species, it was well laid out with all the plants given plenty of room to shine even on a difficult corner block. I love to spontaneously stop and admire gardens like this 🙂
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