Month: August 2017

  • It’s Happy Wanderer Time: Hardenbergia violacea

    It’s Happy Wanderer Time: Hardenbergia violacea

    When in flower this hardy vine or ground cover easily lives up to its common name of ‘Happy Wanderer’, the dainty pea flowers occur in purple, white and pink with a few extra colour combinations in between. Hardenbergia is a very small genus but is now widespread in cultivation due to a number of very successful cultivars. In…

  • Marvellous Banksia ‘Mini Marg’!

    Marvellous Banksia ‘Mini Marg’!

    This is another form of Banksia marginata, a dwarf form that grows dense and low but still covers itself with bright yellow insect and bird attracting flowers in Summer through to Autumn. Banksia ‘Mini Marg’ is quite variable in height growing to between 1 and 3 metres, however it responds very well to pruning as…

  • Shade loving Leionema ‘Green Screen’

    Shade loving Leionema ‘Green Screen’

    This is still one of my favourite native shrubs for growing in dry shade or part sun,  Leionema ‘Green Screen’ is a hybrid of L. elatius and L. lamprophyllum, and is an extremely useful plant! In the image above you can see its mature habit, thick and bushy and dense with flowers in mid to…