try growing the curious Drosera binata
I have been growing Australian carnivorous plants indoors for years, I find them fascinating with their reddish hairy leaves arranged in complex arrays designed to entice insects to land. So when I installed my pond last year I thought I would try emulating their native habitat and plant some around the edges of the water…
Australian Native Plants in Japan
It was inevitable that I wouldn’t be able to turn off my native plant nerd brain whilst overseas in Japan last month…. I tried, I really did. I took photos of Japanese plants, seed pods and flowers and researched after visiting the gardens and temples. BUT every Australian plant seemed to call out to me…
A flower within a flower within a flower … Hoya australis
I find this one of the most curious flowers from our native vine species, it is a large highly perfumed umbel of tiny wax like flowers which is almost fractal like, I could look at it for hours. The leaves are thick and fleshy and a little like a succulent leaf and the vines stem…
Growing Natives Indoors
I love indoor plants, which are known to improve our sense of wellbeing, the quality of the air inside, and give us a connection to nature. Most of us aren’t aware of the array of Australian natives that could be used indoors and replace the bucketloads of exotics commonly marketed at nurseries. Inside, plants generally…
Wombat Berry: Pretty Bush Food
This is one of those wonderful plants where the fruits are more decorative and showy than the flower, Eustrephus latifolius produces deep golden berries that are edible but not particularly palatable, perhaps the fleshy roots are more tasty, but I haven’t tried then also though I’m told you can eat them. Eustrephus latifolius flowers in spring with…