Garden Photo Competition – Win a Medium Dish!
This Winter we’re running a garden photo competition on instagram, your chance to show off your gardening skills to us and win a Medium Spun Copper Dish valued at $545.00!! Take a photo of the spot in your garden that needs a birdbath and share it to your instagram page with the hashtag #INeedABirdbathHere. Make sure to tag @mallee_design…
Portfolio: Woolooware Rejuvenation
This native garden in Woolooware has a new owner, someone who is keen to be the new caretaker of the space and is looking forward to maintaining the native plants and learning more about them along the way. Someone who also recognised it was in dire need of renewal to bring it back to its…
Designing a Native Garden Talk
A Garden is a Process, not a Product Fiona Brockhoff So if you were going to come to a talk titled ‘Designing a Native Garden’ what would you like to be covered???? I’m looking for a little inspiration and of course some discussion. I could waffle on for hours about foliage contrast and lines of sight but…