The many colours of Eucalyptus ficifolia grafted
I have been taking photos of grafted flowering gums for the last 10 years and have been meaning to make a colour comparison between some of my favourites. It can be very confusing deciphering the different pinks and reds, not to mention the size variance and habits, so here goes…. This is Eucalyptus ‘Summer Red’…
Eucalyptus ‘Summer Beauty’ and ‘Summer Red’
I know some people think that the Grafted Eucalyptus ficifolia Flowering gums are getting a little bit common, and in some respects I tend to agree. However, it is with very good reason, as whenever I see one in flower it still takes my breath away, they are just so amazingly beautiful! And not only…
My Favourite Grafted Dwarf Eucalyptus ficifolia
It is summer and we have had a lot of rain so the Grafted Eucalyptus ficifolias are in full swing, everywhere I look they are putting on a wonderful show. I have been slowly trying to collect decent photos of all the different colours and was planning to wait until I had them all covered,…
Design and Build
This post is going to be hopefully helpful; I am writing it almost as much for my own sake as others as I try to get my head around the process of ‘building’ a new garden with a third party involved. Recently, I received a cry for help from a client whom I had done…
The benefits of salt bush: Rhagodia spinescens
There are several species of salt bush that I like to put in gardens, this one is one of my favourites Rhagodia spinescens, it comes in varying shapes and forms, some a little more silver leaved some a little more compact. It is growing here as a pathway and garden edge and does a great job…
Grafted Eucalyptus ficifolia
This is Eucalyptus ‘Summer Red’ one of the best grafted Eucalyptus ficifolia, it has the largest leaf which is long and falcate to lanceolate shaped looking like a very traditional Eucalypt shape, but is also lush looking.