Tag: scrambling habit

  • The perfect concealer: Aphanopetalum resinosum

    The perfect concealer: Aphanopetalum resinosum

    Aphanopetalum resinosum is the answer to many difficult positions in the garden, from dark shady dry corners of the garden to ugly fences or buildings which need to be greened up, Gum Vine may be the solution. This robust native vine has bright green shiny leaves and reddish stems and when it is in flower…

  • Bright climber or scrambler for dry shade: Hibbertia dentata

    Bright climber or scrambler for dry shade: Hibbertia dentata

    Hibbertia dentata is one of my favourite climbers or low growing scramblers to use in shady spots, unfortunately I find it quite difficult to source but it is definitely with using if you can get hold of it. One of the reasons I love this plant is the reddish new growth of the tendrils and…